Gained weight - could it be muscle gain?!

I've been eating 1350- 1450 calories a day and doing a 30 min exercise routine a day (cardio and some strength), I've also been increasing my steps and doing a short cycle commute daily. I lost 8Lbs in the first fornight but have gained 2 this week - I was wondering if it could be because I've gained muscle?


  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    I worked out with a personal fitness trainer. He told me to be prepared I will lose weight slower than usual because of muscle mass build up. But in your case it sounds like it's due to sodium perhaps that you've gained.
  • elisabethkerry
    elisabethkerry Posts: 7 Member
    Ok thanks, just disappointing could understand it if I hadn't been so good!!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    2 lbs is within normal variance month to month. Don't worry about it.
    I gained that after lat night's meal and exercise. It will go away in a day or two.
  • icemom011
    icemom011 Posts: 999 Member
    Water retention either after higher sodium meal or extra work than usual for your muscles. Give it a couple of days, and it will go away.
  • professorhuggins
    professorhuggins Posts: 72 Member
    I worked out with a personal fitness trainer. He told me to be prepared I will lose weight slower than usual because of muscle mass build up. But in your case it sounds like it's due to sodium perhaps that you've gained.

    No. Not true. Your caloric deficit will determine your weight loss. I have worked out three or four times a week hitting the weights pretty hard and have still consistently lost at a linear rate of 1 lb/wk.
  • dhimaan
    dhimaan Posts: 774 Member
    I worked out with a personal fitness trainer. He told me to be prepared I will lose weight slower than usual because of muscle mass build up. But in your case it sounds like it's due to sodium perhaps that you've gained.

    Your personal trainer is a fool. It's not that simple. It will most likely be water retention. You will build some muscle but not to the extent he is describing.
  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    edited May 2016
    Nobody builds "muscle mass" accidently and certainly not in two weeks. It takes serious effort both at the table and in the gym.

    Unless you have a very strenuous job that you just started, think logger or firefighter, give those gym rats some credit.

    Most likely water weight associated with hormonal flux.