3 day diet

shurekkiah90 Posts: 6
Have any of you tried the 3 day diet? If you have, how were your result? And, do you think it's worth trying? The reason I'm asking, is because I have a wedding in about 3 weeks and about 9 lbs to lose. So, I'm looking to try new things.


  • heretic911
    heretic911 Posts: 66 Member
    Many people have used cleanses for a quick fix, not long term health obviously. There was a 7 day cleanse with lemons my friend tried, shouldn't do any damage for just 5-7 days:) Look it up online.
  • jujubean1992
    jujubean1992 Posts: 462 Member
    how much are you supposed to lose in those 3 days? if you ask me it sounds unhealthy... a girl at work is only eating 500 cals a day and dropping weight and i want to smack her and tell her she's basically starving herself.
  • JoRebecca
    JoRebecca Posts: 10 Member
    I did do it several times and it does work. BUT, once I went back to my regular diet, it all came back on. Now, it is true that you can loose about 9 pounds in those three days, but it is mostly water and it is very hard to stay on the strict food plan. The hardest food for me to get down was the tuna straight from the can. No mayo, nothing. It's hard to do. But, if you can handle it and want to get into a dress for the wedding it's worth a try. Just don't plan on using it for any long term results. ;)
  • mwashi88
    mwashi88 Posts: 5
    I'm starting a 4 day detox fast starting tomorrow-Sunday evening. On Monday, I will try to be careful since coming off of a fast is as equally important as starting.

    On each of those days, I will alternate between eating apples on the 1st & 3rd day & oranges on the 2nd and 4th day with plenty of water. This will cleanse my body of toxins and help relieve stress off of my digestive system.

    A person can lose between 3-8 pounds doing a 4 day detox, but you must do it correctly! Keep in mind that the weight lost is from water and it is temporary weight loss. However, if you continue to eat healthy afterward and start working out, you can keep the weight off.

    Good luck!
  • I'm actually not sure, that's why I'm wanting to check around before I start it. You're still eating 3 meals a day, just more fruits and veggies.
  • I'm not tryin to lose the 9 lbs in the 3 days guys!! I'm just wanting to to help the weight come off a little faster thats all.
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    I'm starting a 4 day detox fast starting tomorrow-Sunday evening. On Monday, I will try to be careful since coming off of a fast is as equally important as starting.

    On each of those days, I will alternate between eating apples on the 1st & 3rd day & oranges on the 2nd and 4th day with plenty of water. This will cleanse my body of toxins and help relieve stress off of my digestive system.

    A person can lose between 3-8 pounds doing a 4 day detox, but you must do it correctly! Keep in mind that the weight lost is from water and it is temporary weight loss. However, if you continue to eat healthy afterward and start working out, you can keep the weight off.

    Good luck!

    Who invented that?! That sounds like a winner...
  • mwashi88
    mwashi88 Posts: 5
    I'm an avid researcher and recently I've been researching the health benefits of fasting. If you can go on a clean raw fruit/veggie or even a juice fast for about 5-7 days, you can clean your body out and start a new eating/work out routine to follow. I recommend eating 3 small meals daily with 2 snacks in between. Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, or even fruit make for excellent and nutritious snacks. Most importantly, try to get about 25g of fiber daily or try metamucil since fiber helps is stay thin and healthy and clean out the colon to prevent colon cancer & diseases.
  • mwashi88
    mwashi88 Posts: 5

    I've been reading up on it and I found this health blog that discussed how citric fruits and fiber rich fruits are wonderful for detoxifying the body. I feel that it's worth a try. My body can use a good cleansing since I haven't been eating the "best" lately. I would like to do it for 7 days instead of 4, but since I'm a beginner, 4 days is good for starters.
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    I'm an avid researcher and recently I've been researching the health benefits of fasting. If you can go on a clean raw fruit/veggie or even a juice fast for about 5-7 days, you can clean your body out and start a new eating/work out routine to follow. I recommend eating 3 small meals daily with 2 snacks in between. Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, or even fruit make for excellent and nutritious snacks. Most importantly, try to get about 25g of fiber daily or try metamucil since fiber helps is stay thin and healthy and clean out the colon to prevent colon cancer & diseases.

    Oh sorry. I thought you were suggesting to only eat apples one day and only eat oranges the next. My bad.
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