Constant urge to eat when not hungry?

I seem to have a constant urge to eat even though I just ate, how do I stop it?


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Assuming you are eating enough, you can safely ignore the urge. If you do that consistently, the voice may be weaker over time. You may not be able to stop it (your brain is looking after you by reminding you to eat whenever there is an opportunity), but that doesn't mean that you have to eat every time you get an urge.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,339 Member
    I always want to keep eating during meal time. I'm hungry between meals, too. It is the nature of weight-loss to be a little hungry. I just tough it out, go for a walk, stay busy, drink tea or water. I know I don't need the extra food, but we are definitely designed to eat when food is available, so it's a natural drive.

    When I eat my (planned) meals - I still want more. Usually 15-20 minutes after I'm finished I feel satisfied. Just wait it out. It takes that long for the brain and stomach to get in sync.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    edited May 2016
    This happened to me daily, maybe even hourly. Still happens occasionally. Make sure you're getting enough calories and that your macros are balanced, then give it time. It may never stop completely but it will slow waaaaaay down.

    ETA: Take a look at what you're doing/feeling when this happens. If the impulse to eat comes from boredom, find something to do with your hands. If a person pissed you off and makes you want to eat avoid them as much as possible.

    Also, one more hint. Brush your teeth thoroughly after each meal. IDK why this kills my appetite but it does.

    Good luck!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,339 Member
    oh. You said "when I'm not hungry" in the thread title. I'm actually a little hungry a lot of the day.

    I think that is just habit, then. Same goes, ride it out.
  • angeljo2015
    angeljo2015 Posts: 121 Member
    Okay so it does get better?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,339 Member
    I think the other thing is what are you eating? If I eat a lot of carbs and not enough fat or protein, hunger is a bigger problem. I've been doing this on and off for nine years, so I can keep my macros in line through lots of practice,and I'm pretty much eating at maintenance two or three days a week in order to keep from chewing my arm off. I'm still a little hungry. I only have about five pounds to lose, so I don't even have wiggle room.
  • angeljo2015
    angeljo2015 Posts: 121 Member
    How do you balance macro?
  • jeanstudies
    jeanstudies Posts: 81 Member
    Look at web pages like If it fits your macros (, you can calculate how many calories but also protein, carbs, fat, etc. are appropriate for someone of your weight, age, and activity level. This gives you a better idea of what will satisfy your body's need for nutrition.

    For example, if someone was on 1200 calories but only consumed carbs, even if their calorie needs were met, their body wouldn't be getting any protein. And that would be bad.

    For me, I tend to do better with a higher proportion of protein and lower proportion of carbs. Hope this helps.
  • sashayoung72
    sashayoung72 Posts: 441 Member
    Ahhhh the voice, the one that calls you to eat ice cream or other goodies. Sometimes I give in, other times I manage to put it off and it simply goes away. Getting busy and finding an activity to do that can keep you occupied long enough to "forget" the voice. I find that just doing household chores, looking for a book to read or a mindless tv show, internet search something to keep me occupied and after about 15 minutes I'm not thinking about it anymore. Sometimes I plan ahead for a treat and knowing i'll get it eventually keeps me from eating a bunch of other crap. Best of luck!
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    I like to just gnaw on the inside of my cheek when this happens, but tenderly.
  • LoveEpifanie
    LoveEpifanie Posts: 37 Member
    It helps me when I am staying hydrated. Make sure to track your water and drink consumption to make sure you are getting enough!
  • CorneliusPhoton
    CorneliusPhoton Posts: 965 Member
    Use plenty of protein, fats, and fiber in every meal -- it helps you stay a bit more satisfied. Drink lots of water, herbal tea, seltzer water. Best advice other than that is to keep BUSY! Make a list of things to do. Clean out a closet. The habit of snacking all day should diminish if you keep saying "NO" to it. :)
  • Docbanana2002
    Docbanana2002 Posts: 357 Member
    It might help to ask yourself if eating while not hungry has a cause or trigger that you can address. Like if you are eating food that isn't satiating, or not enough food. If it isn't that, then consider if it is serving some purpose in your life...for example is it a way to cure boredom? Then find some healthier hobbies that will get you away from the food and focused on something else. Is is a cure for anxiety? When I get really stressed out I want to grab high carb foods, especially those with sugar. I had to find healthier ways to manage my life and feelings than doing things that are self destructive. Sometimes people eat while depressed. My hunger is worse when I am sleep deprived or dehydrated. And also at the time of the month when my hormones make me wacky. :)

    It might just be a bad habit, a thought that often pops into your head of food, and you are well practiced at dwelling on that thought and getting yourself to salivating. :) If so, just acknowledge it for what it is--just a thought--and mentally change the subject. You don't have to dwell on or obey any random thought that pops in your head. Over time the thoughts will reduce, along with their power over you.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,745 Member
    I get this. I think it's partly habit in my case, I just have a long standing habit of eating for entertainment and reassurance. I also seem to have a big urge to suck or chew on something. I used to chew pencils. Sugar free chewing gum helps with that urge, and I have a notion it's good for your teeth, too.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I get this. I think it's partly habit in my case, I just have a long standing habit of eating for entertainment and reassurance. I also seem to have a big urge to suck or chew on something. I used to chew pencils. Sugar free chewing gum helps with that urge, and I have a notion it's good for your teeth, too.

  • FrankieandSpots
    FrankieandSpots Posts: 446 Member
    I get that a lot more if I'm stressed or depressed. Exercise tends to dampen my appetite for half an hour or so after I stop and it usually improves my mood as well.
    Tricky part is, I'm more likely to slip into a bad mood when I've been a little bit hungry for a while (for example; staying in a small deficit)... still haven't worked it out
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    You could get something specific to eat (cut up raw veggies, or something) that have barely any calories to eat when you get the urge.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited May 2016
    To follow up - I do this.
    Make sure I eat enough, enough calories, enough of all the nutrients I need.
    Don't deprive myself - eat good food, mostly regular meals but also occasional treats. I enjoy everything I eat.
    Keep temptations away - don't bring junkfood into the house, and shop guerrilla style.
    I also plan my meals and make sure I have all the ingredients I need for the meals I want to make.
    I aim to get enough quality sleep and rest.
    Also make sure I have some exercise and fun every day.

    When all this is in place, it's a lot easier to say "no" to the voice.

    I have a few "checkpoints":
    A meal has to contain vegetables to be called a meal. Junkfood is easy to eat and I can eat that even when not hungry. So I ask myself: Am I hungry enough to take the trouble of eating vegetables? If not, I just want to eat. Then I can say "no".
    Am I hungry? Or am I eating just because the food is there? Because it's cheap/free? Because the others are eating? Because it's Friday/summer/afternoon? Because it will be thrown away if noone eats it? Because I'm sad/upset/nervous/happy/bored? Do I think someone will be disappointed/offended unless I eat? Do I feel "entitled", or that I "deserve" to eat, or need a "reward"?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Have a cup of tea or coffee after a meal/snack. It really helps me.

    Speaking of which... lol.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I seem to have a constant urge to eat even though I just ate, how do I stop it?

    Are you logging elsewhere? You diary is blank for the last week.

    What are your macros (percent of carbs, fat, and protein)? When I don't get enough protein in relationship to carbs I can eat and eat and eat and never feel satisfied.