I'm very interested in knowing what you all may do for a warm-up, movement prep. Does it vary depending on what you plan on doing that day? Are you just doing 5-10 minutes of machine based cardio as your warm up? Or do you have a specific plan as far as getting your joints mobile and muscles/nerves/brain prepared? Just curious.


  • tilda_g
    tilda_g Posts: 19
    I follow the Matt Roberts mobility routine which can be found on YouTube. It helps to limber you up and is the best warm-up I've ever done. See what you think!
  • Dean513
    Dean513 Posts: 23
    Look into some dynamic stretching routines, my trainer has me do them and I work up a sweat before I even get started with my workout. They are great if you want to increase your mobility and stability. Here's a video that might give you an idea.
  • StrengthCoach0702
    StrengthCoach0702 Posts: 21 Member
    Looked at the Matt Roberts routine. Not bad. The only thing i might add to that routine would be extremity work (hands/feet). I do a lot of Indian Club swinging for wrist mobility/strengthening. I also do a lot of toe/arch curls and ankle stuff with the feet.
    The one thing I would subtract from that routine is foam rolling the IT Band. That is a HUGE no no. Your ITB is no where near as thick as muscle tissue, and thus is much more fragile. Its also a very commonly tight spot for people who are seated all day, as well as avid bikers/runners. Therefore the spot becomes inflamed from over-use (repetitive knee flexion). Pressing very hard on an inflamed area is going to inflame it 10 fold. You will eventually have a far worse injury than your tight ITB that you started with.