Looking for new mummy friends for support.

Hi I am a mummy to a 7 week old and two year old and struggling to find motivation to eat right and exercise. Are there any new mummies trying to loose baby weight that would like to be friends for motivation? I have around 50lbs to loose. Xx


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! I am not a new mom, but I am a mom of 5 who finds time to work out and eat right. Feel free to add me!
  • deeasimacopoulos
    deeasimacopoulos Posts: 16 Member
    hi! im a mom of three, 7-9-10. i have a good 30-40 lbs to lose. my goal is to do it by july as we are going on great vacation (greece) that is really motivating. im 5'6 188 right now and size 14. id like to go down to a size 10, regardless of the pounds on the scale. I was a size 10 for years and always felt my best at that size. feel free to add me
  • rosesvtec
    rosesvtec Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I just started to work out, I have a 10 month old, and a 11 year old. I am starting to work out again to prepare from my wedding this year :)
  • erinistehawesome
    erinistehawesome Posts: 23 Member
    Mommy here! I have a 3 month old and a 2.5 year old. I'm not really trying to work out yet, but I am back on MFP counting calories. I'm still breastfeeding so I am not restricting much.
  • am_change
    am_change Posts: 1,010 Member
    Come and join us in this postpartum group where we encourage each other and do a weekly weigh in. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/113945-fit-fabulous-postpartum
  • slf1983
    slf1983 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey mamas. I lost 45lb after I had my first baby and after having baby no 2 three months ago, here I am starting over again. I'd love buddies in a similar situation. Feel free to add xx