Here I go again...

So I went to the doctor a month ago. She put me on a drug called Phentermine and it didn't help me the way that she wanted it to. It was supposed to give me a lot of energy and make me really thirsty and help me lose weight but I didn't lose any weight and I didn't have any of those side effects. My doctor doesn't know if anyone that that has happened to. So now her only suggestion is to use this app and hopefully it will help me lose the weight that I need to. When I went into the doctor last month I weighed in at 253 pounds, but when I came home I was only 240. Today when I went into the doctor I was 240 pounds so I lost no weight over the last month. Hopefully this app will help me, but I have a hard time fitting in time to exercise. I am currently a student teacher and I don't have a lot of time to exercise. I get to school at 6:45 in the morning and I don't get home sometimes until 5:30 at night. By that time I'm so exhausted and my mind is so fried that I just want to crawl into bed and sleep which is what I usually do or I watch TV. I really need help staying accountable and logging in every day. I've tried for the last month but every time I am reminded that I didn't log in for the day I would open it and close it just to keep the streak going. Last night I forgot to open it so I was starting off with a clean slate today. My friend is a Zumba program every night at home so I think I'm going to buy it and try that. I'm going to try and see if she'll be my buddy and help me stay accountable and exercise every day even if it's not Zumba, if it's just walking. I can do this.


  • StephanieStaffordMead
    StephanieStaffordMead Posts: 15 Member
    It is hard to get in exercise when you are so tired, I totally understand that. One of the main things to help you lose weight is going to be in what you are eating. Make sure you are eating meals that are well rounds, and full of nutrients. Be sure to get enough water and you will want to cut out any soda or overly sugary drinks you are having. I don't know if it is possible but maybe you could go outside while the kids are outside at recess and do a little walk. I know teachers are usually very busy and use that time to do other things. You can DO this!!
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    Get healthy in the gym. Lose weight in the kitchen.

    Start by tracking everything here. You might find that there are some easy things you can change that can make a big difference. For example, my first day here, my breakfast included 2 slices of buttered toast. When I saw how many calories that was, I simply reduced my breakfast to including only 1 slice of buttered toast.That little change all by itself accounts for a pound lost about every 3 weeks. A few small changes like that can put you on the right track.
  • amyn73
    amyn73 Posts: 241 Member
    My husband lost 20 pounds just counting calories on here. You can do it!! You're at a great stage in your life....almost a teacher and you are getting healthy. Good luck!
  • Merrycherryo
    Merrycherryo Posts: 24 Member
    I totally know what you're going through! Student teaching is extremely exhausting! It helps if you take small steps and set mini goals. For me, it started with drinking more water, avoiding the candy aisle at the store, and finding a short exercise video of YouTube (I love Walk Away The Pounds). Feel free to add me! I keep an open food diary. :smile: