Running Beginner any tip?

Hi all
I need few tips on how to keep the running pattern going. I had strted running few months back, had a ankle sprain and lacked behind.Since then, whenever i think of running i m reminded of tht pain in the ankle.
I really need to lose weight about 20 pounds by October and running and swimming are my favourite form of exercise.
Any tips how do I restart this thing?


  • RunningofftheEX
    RunningofftheEX Posts: 78 Member
    I was never big into running and I played soccer in high school. I couldn't run 2 miles without walking and I just plain hated it. I work with 2 guys who are big into running and 1 is even a semi-pro who is sponsored by Brooks running. They talked me into running to help with my weight loss. Now I look forward to it but mostly because I have people who I can talk to and help me with setting goals. 10 weeks in and my long runs are now 7 miles. Find friends on here with similar goals or who have accomplished a lot running to chat with. Find a buddy to run with. My buddies run 17-20 minute 5K's (me 29:32 for my first) and experienced marathon runners but we go for a run together every other week which helps to push me. Doesn't have to be someone on your level.

    Anyways, at the end of the day you have to just do it. Eliminate the excuse and do it. I am 39 with bad knees and I have cancer and everyday I have a run planned I do it. No matter how bad I hurt, how tired I am I do it to prove to myself I can. I will be in the best shape of my life before I hit 40. I am actually almost there. Another 20 lbs and I will be there. You can do it if you really want to.

    My favorite quote is "If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse."
  • KetoTeacher
    KetoTeacher Posts: 163 Member
    I am a beginner and I use an app on my smart phone. C25K. It's free and helps me with pacing
  • JasmijnRF
    JasmijnRF Posts: 184 Member
    C25K is a great app! I highly recommend it.
  • lisawilkes20
    lisawilkes20 Posts: 138 Member
    I am a new runner. I joined a running club for beginners that I go to twice a week, we're all beginners or some are runners which haven't done it for a long time.
    I also found out that my local park is doing a free run, to get people motivated into running/getting fitter, which I went to this morning . Check out your area. Hope you find something & enjoy :)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    i used c25k, but running groups are great too. or you can do both. also make sure you have good shoes to make sure you don't get injured again. and running stores are a great way to find running clubs