Calling all HYPOTHYROIDISM suffers!!!

lannahgirl Posts: 96 Member
edited 5:34AM in Food and Nutrition
Ok i just wanted to know if I can take a multi-vitamin while taking meds........thanks!!

I was before I found out that I had a thyroid problem but now since i'm on meds now just want to know if it wont interfer with them!


  • jody0912
    jody0912 Posts: 33
    my doc says to take meds first thing in the morning, wait 30-40 minutes to eat, then take the vitamin with dinner. if you need to take it earlier for some reason, make sure you wait at least 4 hours after you take your meds. this also goes for other supplements (e.g. tums has calcium, which lowers the effectiveness of the thyroid meds). At least this is what my doctor said, and ever since I started following it my levels have normalized :)
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    I would ask the pharmacist. I would think that you would need to take it at the opposite time of day that you take your meds, or like food wait 2 hours after taking your meds.
  • Lindz2323
    Lindz2323 Posts: 261 Member
    I have had hypothyroidism for 4 years now, I've been taking a daily multivitamin called "Double X", through Nutrilite. I talked with my doctor about it and he said it's okay to take with my medication as long as I dont feel like I'm "off" constantly.. I've been taking it the entire time and I feel fine. It helps give me a little more energy too. I take my thyroid medication at night before I sleep on an empty stomach and take my daily vitamin after i wake up. Hope that helps =)
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I take natural supplements for my thyroid, and have my numbers checked every 3-6 months by a nutritionist, and absolutely you can take vitamins with it. I take mine all at once but again I take a natural supplement for my thyroid not a pharmaceutical.
  • chovam
    chovam Posts: 18
    hey My doctor told me to take my thyroid pill in the morning wait 30 to 60 minutes then eat. Then at lunch or dinner take the vit and other pills I need. Make sure you take your vits with a meal that has fat in it because alot of them the body will not take in if you dont eat fat. Sounds stupid but I am a medical student and thats what they taught us LOl :)
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    What I've been told by my endo is to take any other stuff not less than 4 hours after the levothyrox. I didn't ask particularly about vitamins, though, but if you want to be on the safe side, you can take that guideline.

    She also made me change the time I take the T4 (i used to take it at night). She said I have to take it in the morning, this way my stomach is empty and I can be sure nothing will interfere with its absorption. Then, I have to wait at least 45mins (ideally 1 hour) before having breakfast.
  • jataijah
    jataijah Posts: 192 Member
    You should wait at least 4 hours between the two. The calcium and iron in the multivitamin can affect your thyroid meds.
  • beckymorris68
    beckymorris68 Posts: 44 Member
    Iron and calcium affect absorption of levythyroxine/sinthroid, so take them at least 4 hours apart.
  • Brownski860
    Brownski860 Posts: 361 Member
    i take mine all at once too
  • Just curious if anyone diagnosed with hypothyroidism here has taken meds for it but got it to a normal level and was told they could stop the meds? I am going through blood work right now and doc suspects I have it. But I forgot to ask him if I lose the excess weight and get healthier if that can get rid of the thyroid issue and I won't even need to start with the meds - or if I do start but throughout the process lose the weight and get the numbers in a normal range I can stop or whether it's medicine that's for life or not... Any insights? PS I will be seeing the doc soon to ask this but if you have personal experience you can share, this would be great.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Just curious if anyone diagnosed with hypothyroidism here has taken meds for it but got it to a normal level and was told they could stop the meds? I am going through blood work right now and doc suspects I have it. But I forgot to ask him if I lose the excess weight and get healthier if that can get rid of the thyroid issue and I won't even need to start with the meds - or if I do start but throughout the process lose the weight and get the numbers in a normal range I can stop or whether it's medicine that's for life or not... Any insights? PS I will be seeing the doc soon to ask this but if you have personal experience you can share, this would be great.

    the diagnosis is for life. You'll always have to take the medication. I'm sure you'll find people who claim otherwise, but no Dr is going to agree with that.

    The medication might help you lose weight (it didn;t help me), but even after losing weight, the hormone issue remains.
    Good luck!
  • lorriw43
    lorriw43 Posts: 1
    Hi - I have had hypothyroidism for 22 years. Unfortunately you will always have hypothyroidism. I take all multi-vitamins 2-4 hours after taking meds. If your doctor is telling you that you can go off your meds please don't and find another Dr. Before my initial diagnosis Drs were treating me for all the wrong things and almost died. Thankfully I found a good Dr. The thyroid is a gland in your body that helps your entire body function. Please DO NOT stop taking your meds. Find another Dr.
  • blacrasberri
    blacrasberri Posts: 102
    I 've had hypothyroidism for more than several years. Please do not self medicate yourself. Listen to the advice of a professional or get a second opinion of a specialist. I have my levels checked approx every 6 months. I take my thyroid meds in the am and wait 2-4 hours to take other vitamins. Wish u the Best of Luck!
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    I take my levothyroxine first thing on waking on an empty stomach and my supplements at lunch time.
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