Words of encouragement needed

Hey guys. I've never actually posted in this community before but I figured I'd give it a shot because I have no one else to talk to about this. I've been binge eating for the past 3 days. It happens to me a few times a month at least and every month. It makes me feel awful about myself and ruins any progress I had. I just don't know what to do anymore. Ive tried eating normally until I'm full but I still do it sometimes. I think it's in my mind but idk how to beat it. If anyone has any input or words of encouragement it would be much appreciated. Also looking for some friends for support along this journey :)


  • TswvNplooj
    TswvNplooj Posts: 60 Member
    Sometimes when you plateau binge eating actually throws your body of track and help you beat that plateau. Tomorrow is a new day, just don't give up.
  • steviejanedrake
    steviejanedrake Posts: 43 Member
    probably an answer you will hear a lot but if you know this about yourself keep things in your house that won't destroy your progress if you binge out a little. like for me I get really snacky at night so keep low cal popcorn, apple straws, otter pops that kind of thing around. I also have taken to putting pictures of really beautiful in shape women on my fridge and pantry door haha that always makes me think twice about what I am going to eat. hopefully this helps and good luck!
  • alylynn10
    alylynn10 Posts: 44 Member
    Are you stressed out or emotional about something in your life that makes you binge eat? I've learned (from personal experienc) that finding the culprit and fixing it helps so much with weight loss.

    I was exhausted and in a funk for a year working two jobs that I gained 20lbs bc I was making bad choices, overeating, not exercising. When I gave my two week notice, everything fell into place and I've been holding strong for 2 months now. I've lost 9lbs & I've been feeling great.

    It's okay to eat what you want, just measure and log, and prep!
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    alylynn10 wrote: »
    Are you stressed out or emotional about something in your life that makes you binge eat? I've learned (from personal experienc) that finding the culprit and fixing it helps so much with weight loss.

    I was exhausted and in a funk for a year working two jobs that I gained 20lbs bc I was making bad choices, overeating, not exercising. When I gave my two week notice, everything fell into place and I've been holding strong for 2 months now. I've lost 9lbs & I've been feeling great.

    It's okay to eat what you want, just measure and log, and prep!


    OP I don't think food is your challenge. Keep track - I mean write it down - what you have been doing on those days leading up to binging and what's on your mind, worries and the like. Then you might think about finding a counselor who can help you work through the anxieties without eating.
  • AmyWebb2
    AmyWebb2 Posts: 69 Member
    Are you actually trying to lose--I assume that you are. Maybe you have your calories set so low that your body is dying for food? Perhaps make a smaller deficit. Sometimes even 200 extra calories can take the edge off....sometimes.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Yoga and breath work both help with body/ mind awareness.
    YouTube has good videos on breathing techniques.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    Your avatar makes it look like you're gonna walk out in the surf forever, don't do that!