
Hi everyone


  • joanneparry78
    joanneparry78 Posts: 8 Member
    I am really shy and I only just come on here I need people to talk to about me losing some weight as I got too for my kids shake so any one got any tips for me.
  • mattcorbs
    mattcorbs Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Joanne, I'm new to this site still, but I've foundecided just logging exactly what I eat really useful and eye opening. I've lost a stone in a month which I've found really surprising:) I try really hard to have whole foods only diet, with some cheat meals on a wknd and I haven't been hungry once!! What's your diet like? Any exercise?
  • teapot74
    teapot74 Posts: 11 Member
    Yay me too happy to chat and help
  • joanneparry78
    joanneparry78 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I have only been doing it for 3 days so it's early days.but I join a gym and I log in what I have.