30 day shred - some questions for people who are familiar with it.

Hey everyone!
First of all, sorry if this question has been asked before. I use the app and I do the search function, but I just find pages and pages of "June 2012 30 day shred group" etc rather than information about it.

So I'm thinking about trying this out beginning next week after my vacation this weekend. I have read mixed reviews about this and they are mostly positive, but some have said that if you are a beginner, it isn't for you. I've been at this "healthy lifestyle" thing since end of February and have done some working out, but I would still consider myself a beginner.

My questions for you lovely people:
1. Can a "beginner" do this workout or should I stick with my running/jogging/cycling?
2. Do you do this every day for 30 days in a row or do you break it up with rest days or just jogging days In between? I'm worried my muscles will need time to rebuild and heal in between days.

Any other advice or tips are greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone :)


  • JNLStable
    JNLStable Posts: 3 Member
    I'd go for it. They have modified beginner moves and the advanced moves. I was completely out of shape and had never done a workout dvd. Picked 30 day shred, it kicked my butt but I noticed a huge difference in my endurance. It's my go to workout when I slack off and need to get back to it. Everyone has different ideals and fitness levels. I'd suggest giving it a shot and fit it into the routine that works best for you.
    Good luck!
  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    JNLStable wrote: »
    I'd go for it. They have modified beginner moves and the advanced moves. I was completely out of shape and had never done a workout dvd. Picked 30 day shred, it kicked my butt but I noticed a huge difference in my endurance. It's my go to workout when I slack off and need to get back to it. Everyone has different ideals and fitness levels. I'd suggest giving it a shot and fit it into the routine that works best for you.
    Good luck!

    Thank you!! Did you do it for 30 consecutive days or take rest days or do other exercises?
  • BlueberryWatermelon
    BlueberryWatermelon Posts: 73 Member
    Yes, a beginner can do this workout. I started with 3 lb weights, and worked myself up to 5 lbs.

    I don't do the 30DS every day. If you're a beginner, you'll be pretty sore the next day. I run 3x per week, and do the DVD 3x per week (with one rest day), and that's a good balance for me.
  • AlyssaPetsDogs
    AlyssaPetsDogs Posts: 421 Member
    Yes, a beginner can do this workout. I started with 3 lb weights, and worked myself up to 5 lbs.

    I don't do the 30DS every day. If you're a beginner, you'll be pretty sore the next day. I run 3x per week, and do the DVD 3x per week (with one rest day), and that's a good balance for me.

    Awesome! I think I'll try that - that sounds reasonable! My sister and I want to start next week! Hope it goes great! :)
  • yoursingingrealtor
    yoursingingrealtor Posts: 80 Member
    Yes, you can definitely do it as a beginner, I did. There are modified versions throughout and don't feel like you have to keep at the same level of intensity as they are. Keep your own pace and you will see that you will improve. Preview the next level and if you don't feel ready to move just stay where you are at until ready.
    I did it 5 days and then a rest day. It's my go to exercise and the only one I really work up a sweat. Best of luck
  • shaniabunbury
    shaniabunbury Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! Do the 30 day shred everyday. At about day 3 you're going to be ridiculously sore. The night of day 3, I couldn't move at all to the point where I didn't reach to my night table to get my phone which was only about a foot away. Still, the next day I did 30 day shred again, and I felt better! The first 5 days will be hell and you're going to be very sore, but don't quit! I'm on day 16 and I'm now working out 3 hours EVERY DAY, no rest days (very different than how I felt the first few days). I've lost tons of inches and about 15lbs. I've lost more than 15lbs of fat though, and have just gained muscle. Go for it and add me if you need some motivation!
  • pandorajk
    pandorajk Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone!
    First of all, sorry if this question has been asked before. I use the app and I do the search function, but I just find pages and pages of "June 2012 30 day shred group" etc rather than information about it.

    So I'm thinking about trying this out beginning next week after my vacation this weekend. I have read mixed reviews about this and they are mostly positive, but some have said that if you are a beginner, it isn't for you. I've been at this "healthy lifestyle" thing since end of February and have done some working out, but I would still consider myself a beginner.

    My questions for you lovely people:
    1. Can a "beginner" do this workout or should I stick with my running/jogging/cycling?
    2. Do you do this every day for 30 days in a row or do you break it up with rest days or just jogging days In between? I'm worried my muscles will need time to rebuild and heal in between days.

    Any other advice or tips are greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone :)
    Hey everyone!
    First of all, sorry if this question has been asked before. I use the app and I do the search function, but I just find pages and pages of "June 2012 30 day shred group" etc rather than information about it.

    So I'm thinking about trying this out beginning next week after my vacation this weekend. I have read mixed reviews about this and they are mostly positive, but some have said that if you are a beginner, it isn't for you. I've been at this "healthy lifestyle" thing since end of February and have done some working out, but I would still consider myself a beginner.

    My questions for you lovely people:
    1. Can a "beginner" do this workout or should I stick with my running/jogging/cycling?
    2. Do you do this every day for 30 days in a row or do you break it up with rest days or just jogging days In between? I'm worried my muscles will need time to rebuild and heal in between days.

    Any other advice or tips are greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone :)

    I have all the same questions! I just started it today. It is definitely a workout but good for beginners. (I am a beginner too). I usually just walk and have recently started adding some running as well. I watch what I eat but feel like I have hit a wall. I'm hoping adding this into my routine will help get the rest of the weight off. I would love a motivational buddy to team up with!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    edited May 2016
    If you are a beginner, don't do it every day - your body needs time to recover...Every second day works great..
  • supersimonesquirrel
    supersimonesquirrel Posts: 74 Member
    I have done the shred twice now. I liked the workout better if I do it over 6 weeks, so that works out at 5 workouts a week - I like my rest days too much to workout every day. It's a really good workout :-)
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    It is a great beginner workout! She modifies everything from beginner to more advanced/challenging moves. I did it a few years ago and it was a great way to start my weight loss journey.
  • swebb4209
    swebb4209 Posts: 99 Member
    Today will be day 16 of the shred for me! I am loving it!
  • neenerbella
    neenerbella Posts: 1 Member
    Is anyone just starting out? I'm hoping to start tomorrow.
  • LadyLuckAJ
    LadyLuckAJ Posts: 57 Member
    I started Sunday and have been like it so far. I had the dvd for years but never finished the 30 days because I got bored. I workout now with my own music which helps tremendously. I have been very sore in my thighs which is awesome because that is my trouble areas
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You'll never know what you are capable of until you try. Start with light weights, even 1-2 lbs if 3s are too much. Remember you can always pause the video