New here, middle aged, ready to lose 50+

Hi I'm new to Fitness Pal and looking for others to walk with me through this fitness journey. Workout walking buddies who understand that life happens, work, kids, church.. Etc. I want to be accountable with my Health, and stick around and live a heathy life. I appreciate if anyone has any suggestions or pointers to guide me on this journey? :)


  • irejb12
    irejb12 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi...I'm currently trying to lose weight and also be healthy overall. The only thing I can tell you is to just do it (like that Nike's commercial lol). Just start being more conscious of the food you eat. Just start to exercise whether or not you have a workout buddy. Good luck :smiley:
  • foobnum
    foobnum Posts: 7 Member
    I am late thirties, looking to lose about 50ish pounds as well. I am pretty new as well, been at this almost two months and I am starting to see a bit of success! Here are a couple things that have helped me:

    - I started walking more, trying to get about an hour a day. Rain or shine and it helps if you have kids or dogs that you can bring. I find listening to audiobooks helps make the walks really enjoyable!
    - Myfitnesspal has been great for tracking foods and exercise and helping establish a pattern and the right balance
    - I recently bought a fitbit and it has provided a whole new element of fun to my journey. It’s nice to have all kinds of stats and tracking, and finding new friends to establish challenges with and encourage each other!

    Hope this helps things more enjoyable!
  • steviejanedrake
    steviejanedrake Posts: 43 Member
    best little changes that have worked for me have been keeping low cal snacks in the house because I am a nighttime snacker for sure. otter pops, low cal pop corn, apple straws things I can eat alot of that won't jack up my calories for the day. keeping the things I love to eat that maybe aren't so healthy around still but being mindful of portion size. I have taken to keeping all my chocolate, chips and so on in a certain cubbord with a picture of a really fit girl taped to the front saying " would she eat that? " silly I know but it works for me. hope this helps and feel free to add me if you need friendly support : )