Roasted Garlic...BETTER than butter

So the plan was to start eating clean!! Bought Tosca Renos book (two of them =)) Eat clean diet. For dinner I made split pea soup from scratch!! Yeah ME!!! and bought an artisan style bread and planned on roasting garlic instad of butter.
The garlic was so cheap!! I got 1 kg for less than 5 bucks, in the bag there is prob 20 bulbs of garlic. It is SO easy to do!!
Slice the pointy top off, drizzle with a bit of olive oil roast in the oven for 1/2 hour on 400'. It is dee-lish!!!!! I ended up standing at the stove picking the cloves out just eating them!! :embarassed:
Did up a bunch (9) bulbs and plan on keeping some in the fridge to use in place of mayo on pitas, wraps...whatever!!
Just wanted to share!


  • MarielElizabeth
    Sounds yummy but I bet my fiance would hate me for eating it ! :-) ............... i think i'll do it anyway LOL he'll live :devil:
  • Montegue42
    Montegue42 Posts: 98
    My family is OBSESSED with garlic and onions...luckily I got a guy who is too :) He doesn't mind garlic breath.
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    Omg this is delicious! There is a restaurant that sets this out on the tables with bread. It is heaven!! Just make sure whoever you with eats it too. Two garlic breaths cancel each other out :laugh: Its amazing what roasting does to garlic! Makes it all carmelized and amazing!