Starting again - new town, new start...


I have been a member of this site for a while now and have had spurts of motivation, but still always seem to be making excuses. So i have set my trackers back to zero and am starting from scratch today! I could wait to Monday, but why keep putting it off, that wont get me anywhere :)

I have just moved to Sydney and joined the gym last night, i am planning my first workout tonight & i am quite excited!!!
In the last 12 months, i haven't been a member of a gym and i feel that is where i am lacking... that was my social life before, my source of happiness and where i could myself to be that person i know i can be.
At the moment i am lost and unhappy... but that is going to change, new town, new start - NEW KATIE!!

Feel free to add me as a friend, i would love the support :)



  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Bottle this enthusiasm and remember how you feel right now! Then when you need it later, you can recharge yourself with it! :D You've got the right attitude, keep up the excitement and don't forget why you're here. You can do it!
  • Chrissey5969
    Chrissey5969 Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same boat...been here before but back for more! I switched to another program..weekly meetings..but gained back everything I had lost while using this site..I find it pretty cut and dry..calories in..calories fancy special books.etc..

    keep the positive attiude!!