I guess it's not considered baby weight anymore

grasshopper8825 Posts: 3 Member
edited May 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi guys! I have used MFP in the past with great results. I lost 45lbs and was about 10lbs shy of my goal then I got pregnant. My little guy is now a year old and I officially can't blame the weight I have failed to lose on postpartum anymore.

I'm looking to get back on the wagon but am having a lot of trouble with family friendly, yet healthy meals as well as learning to control my portions.

I am looking to build up my network of amazing friends on here so we can help each other through our journeys and share helpful links, recipes, etc. Please please feel free to add me!


  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I kept that baby fat on for 12 years...and added to it generously! Feel free to add me.
  • koreanbabe
    koreanbabe Posts: 8 Member
    Yeah.. same here...
  • Rebekahl87
    Rebekahl87 Posts: 95 Member
    Boy, can I relate. My baby was 3 when I decided I needed to do something about the weight I'd been putting on steadily for years before becoming pregnant. I'm always sharing tips and love sharing recipe ideas. I'm sending you a friend request so we can help support each other!