Feeling full and then guilty

So every morning i plan out my food so i know up front how much calories i will have left for an evening snack. sometimes (like today) i end up having 450 calories left after all my meals (generally I don't snack during the day). Anyways supper is a little later than usual tonight and I was feeling a little hungry so I made a bag of microwave popcorn. The nutritional info said the whole bag popped (80 grams) was 240 calories so I popped it and weighed it and it was only 69 grams for the whole thing which was awesome so I ate the whole thing cuz I had more than enough calories to do so. Here is my issue, it's stupid and all in my head but I still feel guilty. I felt full after eating that bag of popcorn and even though I still hadn't had supper and even though after supper I still have a little over 200 calories left I feel guilty for feeling full. Anyone else feel like that sometimes? I feel like I'm full so I must have over ate despite being well within my calories. Obviously it's just a mental thing and probably left over from my non calorie counting stuff my face days but it's hard to get past that thinking.


  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Did you know there is diet based on foods that make you feel full.
    Called Volumetrics.
    No guilt required.
  • alyssa0061
    alyssa0061 Posts: 652 Member
    There are days when I feel like if I feel full or over full there's no possible way I can be losing weight. I do have a little of that guilt associated with feeling full. Like I'm not suffering enough to lose weight. I know it's preposterous in my mind, of course. I just try to be kind to myself and talk myself through those feelings when they surface. It's gotten les frequent but those thoughts still exist.
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    It's something you REALLY need to let go. As long as your numbers are good your ok. Staying close to your calorie limit let's your body feel free to burn those calories and not "invest" for a famine.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Move on.
  • aimeetu
    aimeetu Posts: 139 Member
    Just so you know, you are not alone! I feel the same way sometimes. Like clearly I didn't log right or something because I shouldn't feel so full and still have calories left. Wanted you to know that you aren't crazy :-)
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    I feel like that often. When I was a teenager, I restricted big-time to stay thin so part of my brain thinks that that's what I have to do to lose weight. For the past 10-ish years, I've fought that "instinct." This is the first time I've actually made a real effort to not only stay under my calorie goal but also stay ABOVE a certain amount because I don't want to fall back into that starve-binge cycle. I just keep telling myself, "This WILL work. Logically you know this. Ignore that voice that tells you otherwise and you WILL prove it wrong." It's not easy but sometimes all you can do is accept that sometimes our brains can be little meanies and trust that you chose your plan for a reason and that you will succeed no matter what that little voice might say :smile:
  • browneyes1520
    browneyes1520 Posts: 94 Member
    Good to know I'm not alone, the whole "not suffering enough to lose weight" or "I must not be logging right" definitely goes through my mind any time I feel full.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    No. If I feel full in a deficit I'm usually proud of myself.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I'll say this: If you think you're supposed to always be hungry in order to lose weight, you're totally doing it wrong.
  • nikkxjohnson
    nikkxjohnson Posts: 70 Member
    I can relate. I feel guilty if I over eat on something unhealthy that really wasn't worth it. My main guilt is when I hit my calories for the day or if I go over. I feel like I should always have a couple hundred calories left when I go to bed. It's something I'm working on.
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    No! Enjoy it! It's OK to enjoy your food and feel good! Good gracious, you even stayed well under ur calorie goal! Relax and allow yourself to feel indulgent. Gracious, you don't have to feel deprived & empty all the time to be successful. That's getting into disordered eating just as much as an obsession with needing to feel fill all the time (in my opiniton).
  • JinjoJoey
    JinjoJoey Posts: 106 Member
    edited June 2016
    I don't feel guilty, but I always think to myself, there's no way I'll have lost weight this week after feeling this full. I've lost 85lbs since October and have been down every single week that I've weighed in.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited June 2016
    It happens to some people Eventually you will learn that eating does not have guilt or innocence or other emotions connected with them.
    Eating food is not good or bad. It just "IS." <3 It is a biological process we inherited from our ancestors.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Just let your guilt go. You did nothing wrong. I know sometimes it's hard but you have to control your emotions not let them control you. Also there's nothing wrong with going over your calories once in awhile. You're human you're not a machine.