Gastric sleeve surgery

I haven't had mine yet is coming in a few wks on liquid diet looking for friends to share their experiences


  • caileag26
    caileag26 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi! I had mine done almost 3 1/2 years ago. I did absolutely everything wrong and gained all the weight back, but I know it was my own fault and now I'm getting back on track. I have no regrets about getting it done, just regrets about not sticking with the plan afterward. I can definitely tell you what NOT to do! One of my friends on here recently got hers and is doing AWESOME!!! She would be great for you to talk to.
  • ezekielswheel
    ezekielswheel Posts: 7 Member
    How did your surgery go Denise? And Caileage26, could you elaborate a little more on what you did wrong and the success of your friend?

    It's 9:30 p.m. and I have to be at the hospital at 6 in the morning to have my gastric sleeve surgery. I'm very nervous. I've had many surgeries before, from gall bladder removal to spinal fusion, but for some reason this surgery has my nerves wracked.

    I am a self-pay, my insurance will cover nothing - so I am very motivated to stay the course.

    Around 5 years ago I weighed 365 pounds, drank liquor every day and smoked like a chimney. I was able to turn my life around and with the help of God I was able to kick smoking and drinking and lose 100 pounds. However I hit a dreaded plateau about the same time my father fell deathly ill. My workout schedule ceased as I had to spend 2 evenings a week and Friday through Saturday with my father. He's at the last chapter in his life and this last year has been very difficult for my family. It's my sister and I that mainly care for him, along with some sitters, and we've decided to keep him at home as opposed to a nursing home.

    It was during last year that I sort of gave up. I stuck with healthy foods, but didn't keep up with my workouts and allowed chocolate to become my alcohol. Eventually, once I felt all my clothes getting tight on me, I forced myself back onto the scales - I had gained up to 311 pounds. I went to my family doctor and told him I desperately needed to see a nutritionist - as well I went to my psychologist to deal with the depression. It was then I decided to get the gastric sleeve. If I don't have my own health how can I help anyone else. The pros outweigh the cons. I have lost down to 285 pounds as of today.

    It is my dream to get myself in great shape and then motivate others to do the same, in some capacity. I would like to change my career from the desk job I have held since 1999 and do something more physical and spiritually edifying with my life.

    So - that's my abbreviated story in a nutshell and I would like to receive some feedback on others experiences. I may not answer for a couple of days as tomorrow is the big day. Not sure why I am so nervous.
  • KiyaK
    KiyaK Posts: 519 Member
    edited June 2016
    A family friend got this done a few years ago. She had horrible complications. In and out of the hospital & she almost died. Then she gained all the weight back in 3 years.

    Take the time to learn new habits surrounding food, or it will never stick. It will give you a jump start, but it is up to you to continue down the road with healthier lifestyle choices.

    *edited because autocorrect sucks
  • arjeffries136
    arjeffries136 Posts: 51 Member
    I had gastric sleeve done 4 months ago. I've lost 83 lbs. I havent had any complications. I have more energy to do things. I dont regret it at all. It definitely is a head issue for me, not a food issue. I'm an emotional eater.