Couch to 5k

So I started C25K two weeks ago. I'm on week 2 day 2. the first day of week 2 I ran the whole minutes and a half but on the second day today I had to stop for some reason. It was hard to do and I get out of breath. But I just love the feeling of running now but I hate how I can only go practically a minute and 10 seconds. Tomorrow is day 3 and I want to run the whole minute and a half but I don't know if I can do it. Any advise????


  • KetoTeacher
    KetoTeacher Posts: 163 Member
    I start my C25k tomorrow, so no advise here. Just following thread.
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    I did c25k too and am now running at 4.4 mph for 60 mins but it took me almost 6 months. My advice: Don't advance to the next level until you are very comfortable where you are now. You risk burnout by doing too much too fast and you also risk injury.

    Good luck and happy running!
  • nicole3921
    nicole3921 Posts: 97 Member
    I just finished W2D3. I was in the same boat as you up until the last day I really started to pace myself and it seemed to help quite a bit. Also what postivepowers suggested. Don't move forward until you are comfortable. It's not a race
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Just re-starting C25K myself. I had started but then I stopped to focus on a wellness program I was participating in. Anyway, starting again and I can only offer advice from what I've read. First, as someone already said, go slow as the purpose is to build endurance first and not speed. Second, take rest days. Your body does need to recover between runs, so try doing some strength training or something low impact (like maybe swimming) on days between your runs so that your muscles can recover. Let me know how it goes!
  • KetoTeacher
    KetoTeacher Posts: 163 Member
    nicole3921 wrote: »
    I just finished W2D3. I was in the same boat as you up until the last day I really started to pace myself and it seemed to help quite a bit. Also what postivepowers suggested. Don't move forward until you are comfortable. It's not a race

    What is W2D3?
  • nicole3921
    nicole3921 Posts: 97 Member
    Sorry about that. Week 2 day 3
  • vespiquenn
    vespiquenn Posts: 1,455 Member
    I just finished running two miles yesterday without stopping at a 10 minute mile and ran my first ever 5k last Saturday, and now I'm crazy enough to start training for a half-marathon. What I have learned is to literally start slow, even if it means jogging barely above a fast walk. Start to really focus on your breathing. Typically a lot of the fatigue happens due to poor breathing techniques. And have patience with yourself. There's nothing wrong repeating a day until you're comfortable. You will get there.
  • Lesovanyando
    Lesovanyando Posts: 2 Member
    edited May 2016
    I remember an advise, I read long time ago, when I started to run. It was for beginning runner men, but I am sure you can get the point: If during running you can keep up a heated debate about boxer vs briefs, then you run too slow. If you are unable to say without gasping for air: "Tom Cruise has deserved an Oscar already" - you run too fast. :-)

    Just take your time, slow down. Running is fantastic, there is no point to get injured at the start of your training program.

  • drpowell428
    drpowell428 Posts: 10 Member
    I think the biggest key is to just keep moving forward! With each step you are getting stronger! I just recently started jogging again and some days are for sure better than others... Just keep it moving.

    Random advise: I find that if I can hear myself getting short of breath... that's usually all I can focus on. If you wear headphones, try turning up the volume a little to drown that out. At least that sometimes helps me regain focus to make that extra effort.

    Good luck! Keep us posted!