Hey Sugar addicts, how do you fight your cravings?

I am really struggling with saying no to sugar. I can't seem to say no...ever. Does anyone out there struggle like me and found something that worked? Seriously, at this point I am contemplating acupucture. I feel like in addicted!!!


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    You have to keep sweet treats on hand that are healthy... juice (100%), raisins, protein bars...
  • dmb9p
    dmb9p Posts: 10
    I'm right there with you!!!
    Honestly, it's a daily struggle for me. My worst time is definitely at night, after dinner when i'm either hanging out or trying to get stuff done. I'm usually around the house for the evening, which means the sugar.... it calls to me!!
    I've found a few things that worked for me:
    1) Don't keep it around!! It's easy for me, since it's just me and my fiance who is not big on sweets. So, I just try not to keep it around the house.
    2) gum. Gum is one of those things for me where I am almost never ever in the mood for it. But, I find it at least eases my craving to chew on something with a little bit of sweet.
    3) Fruit with a little something extra. Especially since berries and peaches are both so wonderful this time of year, they're easy to use as the base for a wonderful dessert. My favorite thing the last week or so: Either a juicy peach or a mess of berries and a huge mound of fat free Redi Whip!! At only 5 calories for 2 tbsp, the fat free redi-whip (light blue cap) is my new best friend!!

    Good luck to you!
  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    The addiction is very real. The more you can rid your diet of simple carbs (white bread, white pastas, etc) and anything sugar related...it has a lot of names...including sugar substitutes...the more likely you are to curve your cravings. It can happen....
  • Chewing gum definitely helps. But yea, sugar is the devil. Once you have a little bit of sugar, then you start to crave it daily. It's really just all about breaking this vicious cycle. I know it's bad to deprive yourself of anything, but just say NO to sweets or designate one day when you will treat yourself. Also go something sweet but w/ less calories and less guilt, like fruit! Frozen fruit is really good too!
  • bkweibel
    bkweibel Posts: 77
    Sugar Free/ Fat Free Puddings made with 1% or Skim milk are a blessing!!! So is a breakfast of a whole-grain waffle with a Tb spoon of honey roasted peanut butter with 5 chocolate chips. Not a breakfast for everyday, but certainly nips that sweet tooth in the bud! If you have the urge to snack, hot tea with splenda or ice tea with splenda helps me too!
  • cutie2b
    cutie2b Posts: 194 Member
    Hi. I still eat fruit, but gave up all added sugar/processed food. Last time I tried to go no sugar last fall, I allowed for cheat meals. This time, no cheating. And this time, I've lasted 30 days instead of 21, and I don't really have cravings or if I do a sweet fruit like a peach will quench it or dairy since it's relatively high in sugar. Cravings went away after two weeks. But if you aren't eating fruit or sweet vegetables like carrots or bell peppers, then I don't know what you could do instead. Good luck!
  • rosemiller11
    rosemiller11 Posts: 224 Member
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I find that sugar is my go-to snack and for me it's about acknowledging that what I actually am is HUNGRY and so I have something actually substantial for about the same number of calories that I would be getting from the sweets I'm craving. Yesterday, for example, I had a 4pm flight. I knew I would want to snack on the plane and would be tempted to buy sweets in the airport before boarding. I can't believe how long it took me to come to the realisation that my desire for sweets would be because I was hungry! I packed a sandwich instead.
  • afitchpatrick
    afitchpatrick Posts: 54 Member
    I dont deny myself cause if i do i will def gorge myself on sugar. 2 day i had one reece cup and that was enough 4 me i wait til the craving gets really bad than i just have a lil.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    LOVE Sweets! Especially chocolate. Ha! A high blood sugar reading from my Dr. - I want to avoid Diabetes!! That's how I fight my cravings! I don't suggest this to anyone! Now, 2 months in, I don't have the cravings anymore. I was told that if you remove something from your diet, you stop craving it. Good Luck! Hang in there. I do still have 100 calorie pack choc. dipped Sandies, and jello sugar free double chocolate pudding a couple times a week. And Emerald Cocoa roast almonds, dark chocolate.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    The addiction is very real. The more you can rid your diet of simple carbs (white bread, white pastas, etc) and anything sugar related...it has a lot of names...including sugar substitutes...the more likely you are to curve your cravings. It can happen....

    I've found the opposite to be true. When I cut out simple carbs, I crave it MORE. Like, all I want is plain white spaghetti lathered in butter and parmesan. Yum.
  • tweety170
    tweety170 Posts: 167
    I'm right there with you!!!
    Honestly, it's a daily struggle for me. My worst time is definitely at night, after dinner when i'm either hanging out or trying to get stuff done. I'm usually around the house for the evening, which means the sugar.... it calls to me!!
    I've found a few things that worked for me:
    1) Don't keep it around!! It's easy for me, since it's just me and my fiance who is not big on sweets. So, I just try not to keep it around the house.
    2) gum. Gum is one of those things for me where I am almost never ever in the mood for it. But, I find it at least eases my craving to chew on something with a little bit of sweet.
    3) Fruit with a little something extra. Especially since berries and peaches are both so wonderful this time of year, they're easy to use as the base for a wonderful dessert. My favorite thing the last week or so: Either a juicy peach or a mess of berries and a huge mound of fat free Redi Whip!! At only 5 calories for 2 tbsp, the fat free redi-whip (light blue cap) is my new best friend!!

    Good luck to you!

    This and Shakeology....changed my life!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I love sugar. I don't totally deprive myself of it, because that would make me sad, so I just eat less of it. Fortunately, I love fruit so I get most of my sweet cravings from that.
  • Not a sugar addict, but I get my cravings. Strategies:

    1) Cheat day or meal, don't go nuts though! I use a cheat meal every 3-4 days allowing something small and 2 weeks allow something bigger (i,e, maybe have a small bag of chips every 3-4 days and have chicken wings as a larger cheat)

    2) Allow a small amount of something with each meal, like a good quality dark chocolate that isn't too high in simple carbs or saturated fats

    3) Invest in a good tasting protein bar (EAS Myoplex Lite Chocolate-Chocolate Chip is DELICIOUS), relatively inexpensive also

    4) Invest in a good protein or meal replacement powder (try for one of the fancier flavours - cookies 'n cream is my personal favourite in a whey protein by Optimum Nutrition, and BPI Sports makes a great c'n'c MRP)
  • MrsT_2009
    MrsT_2009 Posts: 90 Member
    right there with ya

  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    Nothing helps me, I must feed the craving!
    I usually stick with dark chocolate since it seems to really quiet my sweet tooth cause of the strong taste. Always keet bite size type portions of things, or else, I'll eat a WHOLE bar of something.
  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    i never go without sugar.terrible i know,but i eat the 100 calorie fudge bars.SOOO good
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I find that sugar is my go-to snack and for me it's about acknowledging that what I actually am is HUNGRY and so I have something actually substantial for about the same number of calories that I would be getting from the sweets I'm craving. Yesterday, for example, I had a 4pm flight. I knew I would want to snack on the plane and would be tempted to buy sweets in the airport before boarding. I can't believe how long it took me to come to the realisation that my desire for sweets would be because I was hungry! I packed a sandwich instead.

    Yes!! I think I may have finally worked out that I binge on sweets because I'm hungry for real food. It's only taken me 44 years to get there :smile:
    My mission for this week is to have a good breakfast earlier in the day (ie, not mid morning) and a morning snack and decent lunch to see if this helps with cravings later in the day. So far it's working!
  • tam8374
    tam8374 Posts: 270 Member
    I struggle with this all the time. Sometimes I just want some chocolate. So Junior Mints and York Peppermint patties are not as bad as a whole chocolate bar. They are about half the fat and calories. So I try to keep a box of junior mints on hand, and when I get a craving I have a few of those.. hopefully just a few. But sometimes it's the whole small box, but It's not as bad as eating a hershey's bar. Another thing I found that is new and everyone I know seems to be getting them is fruit bites covered in dark chocolate. I had pomegranite seeds the other day covered in dark chocolate. I do not like dark chocolate, but they were very sweet and hit the spot. I think people were getting them at Costco. I don't know the calories, because I had just tried them, but they hit the spot.

    I also love fruit and cool whip. Great easy dessert.
  • Majunta
    Majunta Posts: 575
    I have sugar free jello on hand at all times. Low cal (10 cal per 1/2c.). Helps me through the sugar craving.