Day one of Atkins...

I'm pretty exited and basically just looking for some inspiration and help staying focused and tips on what to eat ect. I want to stay on 20 carbs until I almost reach my goal. :) I would love new friends who are on Atkins or low carb eating (birds of a feather flock together right?)


  • amba47
    amba47 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi there! Just starting Atkins today. I'll be your friend. :)
  • dulcitonia
    dulcitonia Posts: 278 Member
    There is a low carb group on here!
  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    dulcitonia wrote: »
    There is a low carb group on here!

    Thanks I found it and they are soo much nicer than the one on Facebook. They ate me up and spit me out when I asked a question about the Atkins Snacks!!!
  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    amba47 wrote: »
    Hi there! Just starting Atkins today. I'll be your friend. :)

    Hi friend so you should be on day 3 or 4 today? Sorry for the late reply the App is not really good I have to look on the desktop to see replies :0) My clothes is fitting so much better and im not bloated at all, im feeling great. Only downfall is im so tired lately!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited June 2016
    @gorgeousma you're tired because of lack of carbs which give you energy...
    But I hear it takes a while to get used to minimal carbs. Each to their own but the question I have to ask low carbers - can you see yourself always eating this way?
  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    Hi RunRutheeRun, Yes your most likely right im sure it is the lack of carbs making me tired but I am not a good eater. Although I do love veggies/fruits I was not eating them like I should and my love is sugar and junk food. Im afraid of diabetes (my husband son mom and dad all have it) and the rate I was going it was going to appear soon if I didnt change.
    I was on Medifast and starving and spending alot of money. I was still miserable and cheating because I was always hungry, I did it successfully years ago when I was younger but was not able to this time.
    My sister has adapted to Atkins lifestyle years ago and I dont know why I never tried it myself....

    I finally started last week and im seeing a huge difference. I love that I can EAT until i'm full and im never bloated and I see such a difference in my clothes already!! I want to see the change and how I feel after a few months to better decide if Its for me. So far so good tho, I just want to be healthy and not starve.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Do you mind me asking what your daily calorie goal is? Just wondering whether it's the lack of carbs per se or just lack of calories (or something else entirely). Good to hear you are happy with your progress so far. I know it's bikini season, but try not to be in too big a rush. Keeping it off should be on your mind too.
  • Tweaking_Time
    Tweaking_Time Posts: 733 Member
    @gorgeousma you're tired because of lack of carbs which give you energy...
    But I hear it takes a while to get used to minimal carbs. Each to their own but the question I have to ask low carbers - can you see yourself always eating this way?

    I thought I could, but I could not.

    When I lost 75 pounds in 18 months (several years back), I did Atkins (35 pounds), Weight Watchers (next 15 pounds) and then MFP/counting calories/exercise for the last 25 pounds. Atkins was super fast at weight loss, but I found it to be too restrictive to be I went to WW. Same result. So I ended up with diet and exercise and have kept the weight of for several years now.

    The point being, do whatever you want to lose the weight, but eventually you will have to count calories to have a normal, sustainable diet.
  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    There doesnt seem to be a set calorie goal with Atkins. Seems like it is more based on how many carbs you take in and for me in the 'Induction' phase im limited to 20 a day (or between 18-22) I have an app that helps me to add up everything. I love that I can eat alot of veggies that have very low or 0 carbs so thats a plus for me. And being a Cheese and Meat lover it seems like a Win Win as well. Again this is my first time and being on many other diets in the past Im happy that Im not starving and I dont feel bad within.
    I'm in no rush to lose the weight, I work 12 hour shifts almost everyday (Very stressful job) and not moving alot and eating bad is bad on me Mentally and Physically. I needed a change and was open to trying anything that helped me stop craving sugar so much.
    I have gained 30 lbs since October with my job changing hours ect so im trying to just get back to normal and feel good about myself. Weight gain is very depressing and so is not having an outlet.
  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    @Tweaking_Time im with you. Its taking it off that I need help with and after I will decide if I can handle if forever or adapt a more healthy eating lifestyle. Im in a bad place and need to do something to jolt my body away from sugar. I believe I have a sugar addiction (yes its bad like drugs) and during stressful times it gets worse.

    Congrats I wish I could have stuck to WW But working so much I was not focused. You look great and happy on your bike!
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    gorgeousma wrote: »
    There doesnt seem to be a set calorie goal with Atkins. Seems like it is more based on how many carbs you take in and for me in the 'Induction' phase im limited to 20 a day (or between 18-22) I have an app that helps me to add up everything. I love that I can eat alot of veggies that have very low or 0 carbs so thats a plus for me. And being a Cheese and Meat lover it seems like a Win Win as well. Again this is my first time and being on many other diets in the past Im happy that Im not starving and I dont feel bad within.
    I'm in no rush to lose the weight, I work 12 hour shifts almost everyday (Very stressful job) and not moving alot and eating bad is bad on me Mentally and Physically. I needed a change and was open to trying anything that helped me stop craving sugar so much.
    I have gained 30 lbs since October with my job changing hours ect so im trying to just get back to normal and feel good about myself. Weight gain is very depressing and so is not having an outlet.

    Your choice of course, but if you plug your food into the Food Diary here you can see how many calories you are getting. When I have a low carb day it's easy for me to under eat. I find proteins and fats so much more filling than carbs (not usually a low carber though). You want to make sure you have enough fuel to get through those 12 hour shifts! MFP will give you a recommended calorie goal depending on your height/weight and it would be wise to try to stay close to that number. I'm happy to hear that you are in no rush to lose the weight. That's a healthy attitude (and coincidentally my attitude :wink: ).

  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    Looking at my daily goat it says 1500 calories. Thanks for the heads up I guess I need to be sure to fulfill the carb and calorie goal? Thanks for the heads up I will try to stay within both and see how much my energy improves. Im sure sitting for so long doesnt help but your so right the protein and carbs has improved my appetite alot! I def dont crave the sugar, chocolate candy ect I thought I would die without a week ago!
    And yes no rush, it did not come over night. My main goal is just to take it one day at a time, I tend to obsess over it but this time around I refuse to let it eat me up :smiley:
  • tpiper55
    tpiper55 Posts: 27 Member
    I've been following Atkins since 2007 and many others have found this way of eating to be a way of life as well. Please remember that you must get in adequate fat to fuel your body when following Atkins. Trying to do low carb and low fat won't work, since Atkins forces your body to burn fat, you have to FEED it some fat (google rabbit starvation). Also, it's a very good idea to read the book. Atkins is a multi-phase eating plan. Some people fail because they do induction, experience rapid weight loss, then go back to their old way of eating, regain all the weight then say Atkins doesn't work. That's not the way the plan was designed. For others, Atkins just wasn't the right long-term lifestyle for them. ALL diets work, it's just a matter of finding the one that you can commit to following fairly consistently for life. BTW, my CCL is 85g of carbs a day, so I eat PLENTY of carbs now, but I started at 20 (for 2 weeks) and followed the plan, gradually increasing them to find my ccl. Because of Atkins, my cholesterol levels normalized, my bp went down, my sciatica went away (except for those rare cheat days when I eat pure SUGAR like jellybeans or other candy), and I no longer have thick, black, creepy toenails. YES, I'm an Atkins cheerleader because it has truly changed my life.
  • GorgeousMa
    GorgeousMa Posts: 34 Member
    @tpiper55 my sister is why I started and she has never shared as much info as I just got from you (Yay thank you!) I'm sure I am not doing something 100% correct to be so tired, I will get the book on my Kindle because one thing I can do is read on my down time at work.
    One thing is I read you can actually stay in the induction phase until your 15lbs shy of your goal. Is this true? I am ok with this because working so much I have little time to plan meals and if I can stick to the same foods for now that is easiest for me.
    And my 2nd thing is I loathe mayo, is that a must to be successful? I see they put it on eggs and everything else and maybe that is where I am losing energy because not enough fat?

    I hope to stick to this because I like that I feel full and dont crave sugar. Thanks for your note it is very encouraging!
  • FitGetHealthyWork
    FitGetHealthyWork Posts: 13 Member
    Hey, I'm restarting atkins today after 6 years or so. I feel like i am more aware of nutrition now so hopefully more mindful on take two of Atkins. I'll be monitoring calories and carbs. Feel free to friend me so that we can stay accountable and motivated. Good luck!
  • finaltry2016
    finaltry2016 Posts: 4 Member
    I too plan to start Atkins diet tomorrow. Have read a lot about it, so have some basic ideas. But, would love some support & guidance.

    Please add me as a friend of you can. Thanks
  • marrcycatadome
    marrcycatadome Posts: 3 Member
    Omg!! Yay
    I found someone else on atkins. Started today! I'm exciteed:)
  • tpiper55
    tpiper55 Posts: 27 Member
    Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I'm just seeing these responses to me. I will type more later fron a computer (I hate typing on my phone) but YES ypu will be tired the first few days of induction (possibly up to a week) as your body transitions from burning carbs to burning fat. You do NOT have to eat mayo
  • missnolder890
    missnolder890 Posts: 72 Member
    When I did Atkins a few months ago, it did work I lost 11 lbs in the first 3 weeks. I think the biggest tip I can offer is don't get hung up on focusing what you CAN'T eat. Focus on what you CAN it. I had fun with it. I was all about researching low carb crock pot meals and making lists of everything I can eat and finding new creative meals with it. I made cauliflower pizza crusts and stuff like that. Its just easier when you look at it from that angle!
  • PearBlossom9
    PearBlossom9 Posts: 136 Member
    @gorgeousma you're tired because of lack of carbs which give you energy...

    Nope. The first little bit of doing a low carb diet, your electrolytes are out of wack. I do a low carb diet called keto and we call this the keto flu. Its a similar concept, we immediately start at 20g carbs. What you need to concentrate on is sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

    There is a pretty good write up here :