Hey Sugar addicts, how do you fight your cravings?



  • monniemon
    monniemon Posts: 10
    word, iam put a few raisins in my mouth, the sweetness of them cures any cravings i have, i also eat nutri grain bars and fiber one chocolate bars, they are both very good. If iam desperate, i will have the nutr grain (strawberry,blueberry,apple), with some hot tea with splenda in it and add some no sugar non dairy flavored powdered creamer. that works!! and there is aslo GFDAY (thats my Guilt Free Day when i eat what i have been craving for, i only do it once a week, but it keeps me on the straight and narrow. good luck
  • theflyingartist
    theflyingartist Posts: 385 Member
    This is going to sound funny, and a little obvious, and sort of blunt.

    Remind yourself you have an addiction. Write it on a post-it note on your mirror/car dashboard/wallet/kitchen cupboard door. The more you become aware of your decision to give into this idea, the more you might realize that one decision can override it.

    Secondly, remove all sugar from your house. Keep the good sugars in: FRUIT. Get creative. Buy peaches, strawberries, blueberries, apples, bananas, kiwis.

    I buy the Luna bars for protein and a little bit of low glycemic sugar.. flavors like PB Cookie, Chocolate Coconut, Caramel Brownie, and Lemon Zest make my mouth salivate.. and they taste great :) Anything with protein will help stave off your cravings for sugar.