This weekend was tough!

I had it hard this weekend. I ate bad (pizza, burger) and didn't work out. I hosted a dinner saturday night and had desserts. I feel bad, but then its right around TOM. I hope it will get better next week. I hate this feeling!! :explode:


  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    I had it hard this weekend. I ate bad (pizza, burger) and didn't work out. I hosted a dinner saturday night and had desserts. I feel bad, but then its right around TOM. I hope it will get better next week. I hate this feeling!! :explode:
  • Tiddle
    Tiddle Posts: 762 Member
    I'm sorry :heart: :heart: Saturday was pretty bad for me too...
  • becky444
    becky444 Posts: 145 Member
    Oh... I am right there with you! I just had a slice of 45 cal bread with pb and that is after dinner and jello dessert! I dont like the feeling of needing to eat! I had a ton of fiber today, ton of protein. Thinking it may be TOM.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    I'm in the same boat but on the low side. I have to do better tomorrow. I have gone two days under my calories by like 300-360. Yesterday I fell asleep in my recliner before my evening snack and today I just planned very poorly and can't seem to get them all in. I ended up skipping both mid morning and afternoon snacks one by accident(I was playing on here and lost track of time:blushing: ) and one planned because I thought I was going to have more calories out to brunch today but didn't. I am having oatmeal with almond milk, raisins, banana, and PB for evening snack but really don't want the other 300+ calories. I'll plan better tomorrow and make sure I eat all my snacks! We can do this!:drinker:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • IUChelle423
    I had it hard this weekend. I ate bad (pizza, burger) and didn't work out. I hosted a dinner saturday night and had desserts. I feel bad, but then its right around TOM. I hope it will get better next week. I hate this feeling!! :explode:
    I'm right there with you - I had a really bad day today! Something about the excitement of the Cardinals going to the Superbowl totally put me on a binge! (Plus we were celebrating with friends, so that was tough).

    I went over my calories by about 600! Fortunately, I had taken a walk this morning and I was able to workout on my bike tonight so I'm not *too much* over. Tomorrow's another day, though, right? :wink:
  • shewearsvans
    Yep Saturday was bad for me also, and Im paying for it! :) it was our cheat day good but today is no dice ...oh well keep on truckin...
  • prairiemom
    prairiemom Posts: 391 Member
    It must be the wrong time of the month for eveyone. I keep wanting chips and chocolate. Today I let myself have them. I did shovel some snow and go for a walk. It seems like lately I am just not getting enough to eat. We can all look forward tomorrow is the start of another week.
    good luck to all of us.
  • Go_Duke
    Go_Duke Posts: 66
    whyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! do their have to be weekends????

    I went to a party tonight for the championship games and boy i did bad

    Frito lays scoops
    I was their for 6 hrs and everyone around me was stuffing their face!!
    I did very tiny portions but dang I added it up 1365 calories is what I had!!!

    I do so good during the week and fail on the weekends

    oh well MONDAY is tomorrow and Im looking forward to it
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    Weekends are the worst! I had a pretty rough weekend myself :( Ah well, tomorrows a new day!