If at first I don't succeed.....try IIFYM!

brilliantlycrazy Posts: 7 Member
edited May 2016 in Introduce Yourself
46, Female. Atlanta, Ga. Hi! I'm not new to MFP, but I've never gotten serious about change, at least not long term. And I've never really communicated with others here. I've been too busy taking care of everyone else! Now I realize it's time to take care of me! I would like to connect with others to help me stay motivated and that I can do the same for. I started IIFYM today. I'm super excited about meeting new people and making health and fitness a PERMANENT part of my life!


  • mavsfan2009
    mavsfan2009 Posts: 261 Member
    Been living the macro life for three weeks and so far, I LOVE IT! I am used to eating fairly strict paleo with minimum results. Being able to eat rice and ice cream (on occasion) again has been wonderful. From what I hear, the results are slow (it's a lifestyle, not a yo-yo fad diet) but that's ok - I could eat like this forever!