How am I doing? What can I do better?

Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
I am struggling with shedding weight lately. It seems like I do well and drop a few lbs then put them back on again..I am feeling so frustrated with my work environment because we always have potlucks, luncheons, snacks, vending machines etc. And I feel like I can't get away from the temptation. I am having a hard time making this a part of my lifestyle.

I do exercise frequently, run 45 minutes 3 days a week with 1 long run approx 60-60 mins plus I have been using my playstation move 2-3 days a week but will replace that with 30ds as of July 4. I know I don't eat the greatest but I think I am sticking pretty close to my calories for the majority of my days. My first goal is to log for 30 days and that is coming up in 5 days, I was hoping to be down 8 lbs but am only at 6 and feeling discouraged.

I am running a half marathon October 16, 2011 and wanted to be 150 lbs which is 30-32 lbs away. Is that realistic?

What can I do to achieve this goal? Any suggestions based on my diary, eating or exercise wise?

I am looking for simple changes that might help. I am a busy mom, working full time, caring for my eldery grandfather, trying to balance everything while getting rid of some excess weight. So it's not always easy to eat the best, but I can eat less, it's not easy to exercise for 3 hrs a day, but I can squeeze in an hour....

So let me know what you think. Feel free to add me! Need the encouragement.


  • swanny320
    swanny320 Posts: 169 Member
    First, let me congratulate you on your accomplishments so far! I can only run a mile and a half right I stand in awe of the fact you're going to run a half marathon. GO you!

    Just stay vigilant. Sometimes our bodies don't respond the way we think. You are probably losing inches even though the scale isn't dropping. Are you measuring yourself? You need to be doing that because if you're losing fat but replacing it with lean muscle, the scale will move slowly YET, you will become thinner and more in shape.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I just glanced at today. Is it my imagination, or did you have a hamburger bun and sweets for dinner? You need lean protien. Same with the night before. A bun, fries and shake? If you can, ditch the fast food all together and start packing lunch at home or run by the market for something a little more healthy on your lunch break (Trader Joes salads are my friends).

    How you eat will become increasingly important as you get closer to your race. You need to fuel your body regularly with healthy carbs and proteins

    Also, as you ramp up for your half, you'll most likely lose 5 or so pounds in those last few weeks, just with all the time you're putting in on those 10-12 mile runs.

    I snack pretty much all day long and eat small meals. Dinner tonite is chicken skewers and asaparagus.

    You can do it, but need to "freshen" up your diet

    Good luck.
  • davidrt
    davidrt Posts: 162
    it sounds to me like your doing pretty well, keep up the good work, remember it didnt go on in a few days so its not coming off in a day
  • azdmelani
    azdmelani Posts: 17 Member
    Where are the fruits and veggies? You're eating a great deal of processed foods.

    Do the cheerios keep you full till lunch? They have very little protein/fiber to keep you full. Maybe you can look into switching to a different cereal. I always have fruit with mine, it's an easy way to sneak it in. :)

    Fage and fruit or PB is a great snack. Even a banana and some almonds works.
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    I just glanced at today. Is it my imagination, or did you have a hamburger bun and sweets for dinner? You need lean protien. Same with the night before. Ditch the McFlurry. As a matter of fact, if you can, ditch the fast food all together and start packing lunch at home or run by the market for something a little more healthy on your lunch break (Trader Joes salads are my friends).

    How you eat will become increasingly important as you get closer to your race. You need to fuel your body regularly with healthy carbs and proteins

    Also, as you ramp up for your half, you'll most likely lose 5 or so pounds in those last few weeks, just with all the time you're putting in on those 10-12 mile runs.

    I snack pretty much all day long and eat small meals. Dinner tonite is chicken skewers and asaparagus.

    Thanks for looking. Today and last night were a little funny, but I do work a 12pm-8pm shift so normally don't really eat dinner. There was a potluck today so I just snacked on a few things. Last night we were out late running around at home depot trying to get last minute things done as we move on Friday. Any ways, sounds like I am just making are very right.

    I do normally eat at 7 am 10 am 1 pm 3 pm 5pm and try my best not to eat when I get home from work. Still working on it though. I will watch over the next week and try to cut fast food out completely, then check the scale and see the difference.

    Thanks for the reality check. Sometimes I only see what I want to.

    You can do it, but need to "freshen" up your diet

    Good luck.
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    Where are the fruits and veggies? You're eating a great deal of processed foods.

    You have to ditch all the junk and processed foods. Eat eggs and some breakfast meat instead of cheerios. Lose all the white carbs. Go with whole grains and fruit (natural sugar) for your carbs. Get some lean meat in there, more protein and good carbs. WAY LESS JUNK. To run, you need alot of GOOD STUFF.
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Congrats -- great work on the running!

    Here is what has worked for me
    Cut out all sugar (anything that lists sugar in the ingredients list)
    Cut out bread
    Eat lots of lean protein (cottage cheese, yogurt, egg whites)
    Eat lots of veggies
    Drink lots of water

    Good luck!
  • Amberlin
    Amberlin Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks for the great tips guys. I am a really picky eater so I stick to relatively similar foods. I don't think I could survive with out carbs, don't eat eggs, rarely eat yogurt. I do enjoy fruit and veggies though and usually have an apple and banana every day, when we have groceries that is. I really want this, I guess the question is, how badly?
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    I am struggling with shedding weight lately. It seems like I do well and drop a few lbs then put them back on again..I am feeling so frustrated with my work environment because we always have potlucks, luncheons, snacks, vending machines etc. And I feel like I can't get away from the temptation. I am having a hard time making this a part of my lifestyle.

    I have a similar problem at work. They make caterers available for lunch, and have vending machines on every floor. We also have donuts on the last friday of the month and they randomly surprise us with breakfast goodies (to boost morale). I don't keep change or money with me so that the vending machines aren't an option. I take my lunch every day so that I don't eat the catered food AND I usually pass on the breakfast goodies. Sometimes I give in on that, but usually not. I will also let myself take a snack or two to work of like fruit or a fiber one bar. Or i bring in my own salty snack that is MUCH healthier than chips (bagel tops, pop chips, baked sweet potato chips).

    You just gotta exercise every bit of self control you have. I know for me that is hard at times. I don't have very much self control when it comes to food. And then you said you grabbed a burger quick when you were out running errands. Why not choose a grilled chicken sandwich instead? I usually choose a plain grilled chicken sandwich. That way I can eat it on the run without spilling lettuce all over myself. Then I get fries to share with the kids. Here is our usual order at BK. I get a plain grilled chicken sandwich in a value meal, my daughter gets a happy meal with a meat of her choice (hamburger or chicken nuggets) with apples and her usual chocolate milk. Then for my 2 year old son, I get a 4 piece nuggets and a white milk. We all share the fries and the kids share the apples. It works out great and that way, I get some fries but can't eat the whole thing because I have to share with the kids. Dunno how old your kids are, but I'm sure you could figure out a way to make yourself share fries with someone so you don't eat all of them. Hope this helps!
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Thanks for the great tips guys. I am a really picky eater so I stick to relatively similar foods. I don't think I could survive with out carbs, don't eat eggs, rarely eat yogurt. I do enjoy fruit and veggies though and usually have an apple and banana every day, when we have groceries that is. I really want this, I guess the question is, how badly?
    You can do it. By the way, have you already signed up and paid for your half marathon? That's always a big motivator for me. Once that $100 or so is spent, by god, i'm going to make it happen :-)
  • 2112540
    2112540 Posts: 71
    well something easy to change is switch your cheerios out with Kashi Golean(so good for you!) and switch your milk out with almond milk. Tastes just as good! If you get the unsweetened almond milks they are really low cal. Mine is made by silk and has 35 cal/cup:) Just little changes maybe your eating few calories but not necessarily healthfully?
  • Runshanrun
    Runshanrun Posts: 21 Member
    I'm a runner too and I have found that the processed foods slow down my running pace and my weight loss!

    All the great advice you have received concerning changing your diet to more natural foods is right on target...fresh veggies and fruit are very low in calories, high in carbs and oh so filling. I recommend brown rice, beans and whole grains as well. Whole grains fill you up for a long, long time. Try oatmeal or whole grain english muffin for breakfast, take a fruit for an AM snack, a salad and half sandwhich packed at home for lunch and some veggies for an afternoon snack... A little pre-planning for your work day meals will pay dividends when you step on the scale.

    It might help you to shop for groceries a few times a week so you can always have fresh produce on hand. Just like you prepare for your race by running, prepare for your meals by planning ahead.

    Good luck on your Half!! And remember for every pound you loose you can expect a second off your race pace...10 pounds lighter = ten seconds faster!
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    Training and losing is tough work. In my experience you need to be clean with your diet and eat as much of your exercise cals as possible.

    Good luck and congrats on your success!
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    I don't think I could survive with out carbs, don't eat eggs, rarely eat yogurt. I do enjoy fruit and veggies though and usually have an apple and banana every day, when we have groceries that is. I really want this, I guess the question is, how badly?

    I agree- LOVE my carbs, but I've found that by switching to whole grain I don't crave the sweets as much, now they are a small treat rather than a compulsion I have to fight. You can have your carbs, just switch it up a little. whole grain noodles, brown rice, wheat bread...

    Don't make all these changes overnight. Pick 1 or 2 to start, figure out how to incorporate into your life and then make another change. It's got to be easy and maintainable. what about chicken breast or tuna or nuts for proteins if you don't like eggs. I've also found smoothies are easy and with a scoop of protein powder they keep me full and I can't finish them in just 2 bites like a snack bar.

    You are doing great, you can do this!
  • Sadie98072
    Sadie98072 Posts: 212 Member
    Maybe instead of not having anything at all after you get home from work, you could have some home made vegie soup in the fridge/freezer to heat up. You will get a few serves of vegies from it and if you put lentils in it you will also get some protein and its pretty low in cals and sodium.
    Not eating from 5pm - breakfast is a really long time to go without food.
    Have you had a look into clean eating? There are heaps of websites on the topic with loads of recipes to try. Its really just good wholesome food.
    I really love your positive attitude by the way ;)
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