Adding calorie intake

jenjam27 Posts: 44 Member
ok after much reading and being a little frustrated I've decided to up my calories from 1200 calories to 1300 calories and i will eat at least 1/2 my exercise calories burned back which I was not doing before. I know it's not a huge jump but I guess I will keep making little changes so I see a more consistent loss. While I really don't feel hungry only eating 1200 calories something keeps telling me it's not right to burn 400-600 calories a day and not eat them back. I feel like I work really hard and to only see .5 loss every other week is discouraging


  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    I'm right there with you girl!
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    it sounds like your body is striking back and holding on to what you're eating. eating half back will not set you back from your loss plan. I have always eaten back most if not all of my exercise calories and I have lost 30lbs since January and my exercise is erratic at best due to medical conditions and recent flare ups that have had me bedridden more than active.

    All you can do is try it and see how your body likes it. you can always go back to what you were doing if you're still not happy.
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    But here's my other question...

    People say that the MFP database is off, sometimes people's HRM's are off, and people question what the treadmill, elliptical machine says about calories burned....

    So I understand it's extremely important to eat back those calories however, what device do you believe? You know? So that's where I get nervous to eat all my calories back because what if one device or the other is overestimating and I'm eating too many exercise calories?
  • Julie252
    Julie252 Posts: 20 Member
    I've just upped mine from 1290 to 1500 and I finally broke a 3 wk plateau. I figure the experiment can't hurt. I am seeing great results. I also eat most of my exercise calories. Worth a try!
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    I've just upped mine from 1290 to 1500 and I finally broke a 3 wk plateau. I figure the experiment can't hurt. I am seeing great results. I also eat most of my exercise calories. Worth a try!

    Thanks for the post! I'll have to try it because my body seems to be in a plateau! I exercise at least an hour a day and eat around 1500 but maybe I need to eat more...
  • jenjam27
    jenjam27 Posts: 44 Member
    But here's my other question...

    People say that the MFP database is off, sometimes people's HRM's are off, and people question what the treadmill, elliptical machine says about calories burned....

    So I understand it's extremely important to eat back those calories however, what device do you believe? You know? So that's where I get nervous to eat all my calories back because what if one device or the other is overestimating and I'm eating too many exercise calories?

    I am not an expert but i've never used the calories on the machines I have a polar f6 hrm and I go by that, I've found machines over estimate the calories burned....and if im only eating 1/2 back hopefully that helps. Hope this helps you
  • jenjam27
    jenjam27 Posts: 44 Member
    I've just upped mine from 1290 to 1500 and I finally broke a 3 wk plateau. I figure the experiment can't hurt. I am seeing great results. I also eat most of my exercise calories. Worth a try!

    That's great to hear, as much as this is alot of physical work its also mental. Its been really hard to make this change as silly as that seems bc why in the world should I eat more to lose and eat back calories I burned but it looks like I have to so im trying it. I will try to eat higher calorie healthy foods to take up some of the extra calories so milk and bananas will be my new best friends
  • sla0814
    sla0814 Posts: 240
    I know it's funny because I think most people think this way! However I understand why you need to eat more, to lose more...I just have to change my mindset!
  • ItsLessOfMe
    ItsLessOfMe Posts: 374 Member
    Im doing the same thing....Gaining a little in the process but its only been a week and I wanna see if I can get this right. I know I didnt get to over 200 lbs eating 1500 calories. So it has to workout. I will friend you
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