Period and weight loss.

tlahuiltzin Posts: 42 Member
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone! So, I'm new to this I started about a month ago and I just completed my first month. The first 2 1/2 weeks I dropped 8 pounds! Then my period went all crazy and did a peek a boo for 2 weeks before deciding to come. And during those two weeks I GAINED 3lbs. It officially ended for good with no signs of it yesterday so I'm still packing 2 more pounds than before . . . ladies, has this or something similar happened to you? Do you gain weight for your period EVERY month or is there something I should do when I know it's coming? Sorry guys, I know you all don't like to hear about this but it is totally related to female weight loss and I need some kind of support/ guidance on what to do during my period week to at least keep from gaining weight. :/


  • katy4193
    katy4193 Posts: 44
    It is not unusual to gain a few pounds during your menstration. You will retain more water at that time of the month. It will come back off...just drink more water and flush it out....:happy:
  • fancyhat
    fancyhat Posts: 3
    It's normal for your weight to fluctuate while on your period since you retain water, which shows up on the scale. Constipation and such are also common problems, (as well as giving into cravings!) so I'd imagine if you give your body a few more days, it'll regulate itself. (:
  • soifua
    soifua Posts: 82
    yup - gained 5 lbs this month because of it - usually water weight
  • regos
    regos Posts: 13
    I was about to say the same thing, i retain lots of water when im menstrating, its normal happens to us all so no worries:)<3
  • Gemini_1980
    Gemini_1980 Posts: 349 Member
    Drinking lots of water, working out, and keeping my sodium intake low around that "TOM" time has helped dropped the water weight quickly when all is said and done. I usually gain about 2 lbs during that time and maybe up until 1-2 days after. It happens to a lot of us :sad:
  • tlahuiltzin
    tlahuiltzin Posts: 42 Member
    Oh good! Not that it happens but that I'm not gaining weight out of the blue. :) Thanks everyone. :D
  • hey tlahuiltzin... you don't have to worry about that, it happens to any one who menstruates... the good thing is, you lose so much weight afterwards and the bloating feeling subsides... good luck in your quest for fitness :)
  • meggamix
    meggamix Posts: 496 Member
    Seriously! The same thing happens to me! I get SO frustrated by it! And it really affects my motiviation. I fee like I never get anywhere with my weight loss because every I basically gain back everything I had lost. GAAHH!
  • azingale
    azingale Posts: 74
    Keep drinking your water! I wasn't a believer in the 8 cups a day until I saw how quickly drinking enough water got rid of bloating and water weight. I was retaining 3 extra lbs Monday morning with cramping and bloating and misery (ok, and a little hangover...) Now, it's all gone.
  • Mfsdiet
    Mfsdiet Posts: 13 Member
    Getting over that monthly hump is difficult...I usually begin to feel real tired and bloated which impacts my exercising and the cravings seem uncontrolable which impacts my diet, I am guarenteed to gain at least 5 pounds...I usually get off my health track during this time for weeks at a time...not a good thing...My goal is to push through it this month with motivation and discipline. Good Luck to you!!
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    As long as it's not from giving into all those period cravings, it's probably water weight. It happens to us all. Your body might be adjusting to a new routine too, which is why your period went wonky. Every time I change up my exercise/eating habits, everything gets a bit crazy for a few weeks.

    Good luck! Keep at it.
  • mrsbumblebee20
    mrsbumblebee20 Posts: 13 Member
    yep, totally and even though went thru premature menopause at 33 -- it still happens about once a month I see a small wt gain. Rings get tight, feel bloated....go figure!!!! Men should have something similar to deal with!
  • shellybsn
    shellybsn Posts: 57 Member
    Just think of all of the fat you're losing and the muscle you're gaining under a little temporary water weight. Water goes after a few days, and there's less of you!!!!!!!!
  • tlahuiltzin
    tlahuiltzin Posts: 42 Member
    This month I was sooooo hungry during that time of the month and I just gave in and ate. Not junk food but I ate every few minutes, it was ridiculous how HUNGRY I felt. Then, 2 days after my period I weighed myself and found that I lost 2 more pounds! :D I don't recommend doing what I did and just snacking the day away but I'm surprised considering how much I gained during that first month. :)
  • Tammy1113
    Tammy1113 Posts: 13 Member
    This month I was sooooo hungry during that time of the month and I just gave in and ate. Not junk food but I ate every few minutes, it was ridiculous how HUNGRY I felt. Then, 2 days after my period I weighed myself and found that I lost 2 more pounds! :D I don't recommend doing what I did and just snacking the day away but I'm surprised considering how much I gained during that first month. :)

    OMG! I am going thur that for that past todays! All I wanted was some salty food. French fries! Then yesterday, I snacked on cherries, apple, wheat thins...etc. My body feels horrible and I am afraid to get on that evil scale. :(
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    Instead of giving in to those cravings find a 5 minute activity to complete: toss out junk mail, clean 1 piece of furniture thoroughly, start a load of laundry.... The list goes on. I have found that helps me cut back on those cravings. I also stay hydrated at all times which helps tremendously keeping the gloating at bay. I drink half of my weight in water daily.
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