Over 50, and new to this

I've been on a diet, it seems like all my life. I want to loose about 30 pounds so I can chase after my grandsons without getting so tired.


  • spartangrading
    spartangrading Posts: 3 Member
    I would love some motivational friends.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    Welcome and this is a great group for those of us over 50. :)http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/100593-over-50-group
  • rose_a_lind
    rose_a_lind Posts: 41 Member
    Over 50, ... this is fun, ...feeling healthy again! Motivated, and feeling like trying some now ways of staying fit. Recently went on my 1st Backpacking hike, and looking forward to trying it again soon carrying enough for a 1 night campout.
  • mtrchristian
    mtrchristian Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 55. I have yo yo dieted most of my life. My weight got way out of control when in my 40s I decided to stop yo yo dieting. What's motivating me at this time is my wanting to be healthy and strong during my retirement years (10 years from now). I don't have diabetes yet and want to make sure I don't get it. Also, I have a cousin who is 60 and runs races. She told me when I'm ready she will run my first 5K with me.
  • rose_a_lind
    rose_a_lind Posts: 41 Member
    I lost a cousin last year who was only 49. She was overweight, had high blood pressure, and suddenly had a stroke one day. Had to be taken off life support after 6 weeks. I also lost my Dad, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues. Mom in 'lockdown' with Alzheimer's/ Dementia. :(

    So it is time for a lifestyle adjustment.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    Well, I'm past 50 too and my lifelong ambition was to start drinking when I got to 70, smoking when I got to 80, and chasing wild women when I got to 90, so I have to get in shape now.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I didn't start until I was 52. I lost over 50 pounds, my beer gut, and dropped my cholesterol 50 points. I am a runner now and enjoy my new lifestyle. You can do this!
  • stacelutes620
    stacelutes620 Posts: 10 Member
    I will be turning 55 in a few weeks, I know my weight is out of control, my doctor wrote on his notes I was "morbidly obese, deep down I knew and looking at pictures of myself, I knew, but to see it on paper was shocking, those words keep running through my mind. I don't feel or look like I am going to be 55. My husband walks but I can't because of arthritis in my feet but I did get an exercise bike for Mother's Day-I asked for it :) . Today, I need to start taking care of me. Need support.
  • ReadingCat
    ReadingCat Posts: 13 Member
    Over 50 here too. Future grandkids are my motivation. When they come I want to be able to actually enjoy them. We can do this!