Do fat people do yoga?



  • Shanzstar
    Shanzstar Posts: 197
    i do pilates which is a lot like yoga, but a little harder. pilates is amazing. it DOES hurt and you WILL feel it the next day, you have to push yourself through it. i suggest pilates, you burn a lot more calories and it really helps shred fat and tone and sculpt your body. yoga you sit in the pose for a loooong time and it doesn't really burn as many calories. but to answer your question, ALL sizes can do yoga and pilates! big girls/guy can participate in any class thinner girls/guys do. :)

    im sorry but this isnt true... there are lots of yoga style classes out there. I did a yoga sculpt and burned 425 calories in one hour. I have done both pilates and yoga. I have an hrm so I know i burn more in my vinyasa yoga classes then pilates. Another thing is yoga is nothing like pilates. the breathing is even different.
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    i do yoga, and i have been doing it even while i was quite fat. i'm probably one of the fattest handful in my class, and even though i've been doing it for over 10 years, i will never be able to do certain moves because of my dodgy knees.

    If you have a good instructor and are doing a beginners class, they should have alternatives for all ages and all levels of flexibility.

    I once did a class where it was full of grannies, the instructor was 86 years old and a super yoga freak! She was awesome.

    i do a reasonably advanced class now, and there are plenty of things i can't do. but even really fit people, especially people who run and have tight hamstrings, can't do many of the moves. and they are watching me (fatty over here) being able to do twice as much as them probably wondering whats wrong if i can do it and they can't.

    it's not about getting to the same position as the instructor, it's about getting to your limit, and working there. It should never be painful. That is the most important thing about yoga, you do what you can do and stop, don't try and stick your head up your butt, if you just aren't that flexible. many classes i've done in my time have older people, injured people and all sizes. it doesn't matter if you can touch your toes or if you are still only half way there, the benefits are still there. It's very important not to overdo it.
  • MizuzGee
    MizuzGee Posts: 2
    silveryflutterby, i feel your pain.

    while i see the benefit of yoga -- and KNOW i need to be stretching and breathing more -- i have tried a few classes at my ymca and it wasn't pretty. in fact, i felt a lot like you. big belly that got in the way + wobbly/weak right knee + lack of flexibility = AWKWARD self consciousness! to be honest, i stopped going for those reasons.

    a few years later i took some (5-6) private pilates sessions. they were VERY difficult, and i had the same issues as above, but they helped build confidence, strength and flexibility. the cost kept me from continuing, but at least they gave me a perspective that it can be done and that it's definitely worth it--and that it takes time to get comfortable with it all.

    i'd encourage you to be patient. stay the course. find what feels good to you and your body. then just do it!
  • silveryflutterby
    Very awesome feedback and suggestions! You have inspired me to give it a go! I will definitely be talking with the instructor ahead of time like some suggested, just to let them know that I'm new so hopefully they will look out for me. :) I am not new to group exercise, just yoga. I have done Zumba at the Y, but that was a lot easier to try because I had done many aerobic workout videos at home and felt more confident with that. I have literally only tried yoga like twice in my life and didn't get through it either time. As far as water aerobics go...that would mean I have to wear a bathing suit in public. lol. It's good to know that the instructor can modify things...I am also hoping to improve my flexibility and relieve some stress with yoga. I do have a problem with patience and maybe yoga can help with that. :) I have a membership at the Y and it says you have to sign up for the yoga class so I will call tomorrow to get signed up!! Thanks again everyone!
  • vegansara
    vegansara Posts: 192 Member
    Fat people do yoga! We even teach yoga :) I second a previous poster, you can always call the yoga studio or teacher ahead of time to express your concerns. Not sure where you live, but I highly recommend a Bikram method Hatha yoga class if there is a studio in your area. It is a beginner class, and the heat helps keep you nice and safe (and increases the ability to burn calories).

    Send me a message if you have any questions. I hope you decide to give it a try!
  • lilac67
    lilac67 Posts: 311
    I, and several other women I know who are my size, do yoga all of the time. Look up pictures of Indian women doing Yoga. There are LOTS of us "fat" women doing it.

    Yes, I believe you had bad videos and/or expected yourself to be able to do the poses/stretches perfectly right out of the starting gate.

    Getting into Yoga is like getting into Martial Arts. You don't start off busting boards and wielding katanas on your first session. Arnold Schwarzenegger did not become Mr. Universe the first time he picked up a dumb bell. The base lesson of Yoga is patience. Patience with your body. Patience with your breath. Patience with becoming one with the moves you are doing. In Yoga, you go at your own pace and not of someone else's. If the instructor is expecting you to hit poses perfectly, they are not a teacher you want.

    Yes, I would suggest joining a class. It may teach you the basics.

    As for videos, my personal favorite is "Crunch Fitness: The Joy of Yoga". It's very low impact, yet high work out too.

    Soooo true, thanks for this comment! I am a martial arts student and I try to get yoga in a few times a month atleast. I have a yoga video called "My Size Yoga" by Megan Garcia. It's great for us "fluffy" girls and it tells you how to improvise some of the moves until you can do them. It's even available on Netflix!!
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    I have a friend that is about the same size as you (height and weight) and she has gone to many yoga classes...and has never felt out of place!! If you would rather start with a DVD to get the moves down...I recommend Denise Austin's "Yoga Burn", or The Biggest Loser's "weightloss yoga"!!!

    but yes...I am gonna say it...."never let anyone's opinions stand in the way of your health!" you are doing great, and just keep on going!
  • pkpzp228
    pkpzp228 Posts: 146 Member
    another point... yoga isn't about the proper form or flexibility it's about knowing your body and meeting your limits with compassion. You should never feel ashamed or out of place in a yoga class. Making it to your mat is all the effort you need to make, yogis respect you just for showing up.
  • silveryflutterby
    I have a friend that is about the same size as you (height and weight) and she has gone to many yoga classes...and has never felt out of place!! If you would rather start with a DVD to get the moves down...I recommend Denise Austin's "Yoga Burn", or The Biggest Loser's "weightloss yoga"!!!

    but yes...I am gonna say it...."never let anyone's opinions stand in the way of your health!" you are doing great, and just keep on going!
    thanks girl! I know...I know, it's something I'm working on...and not just in regards to health. I am just way too self-conscious in general. But, alas, these things seem to take time and a whole lot of mental effort to overcome. :) I know I'll get there. :D
  • silveryflutterby
    awesome article. :) thanks for sharing. I'm definitely going to give yoga a try!
  • drjennelle
    drjennelle Posts: 138 Member
    i recently started collecting yoga dvds left and right because i found it to be a great way to start my day (ive always been a super intense cardio junkie so this is a change of pace for me) and i heard that it is actually the BEST way to tone your body and not bulk up, etc etc... and it's totally portable ;) so if you're traveling you can still do it, since all you need is you! i actually downloaded some short 10-minute yoga routines from exercise tv off of itunes to put on my iphone while i was on vacation, as well as a yoga app for the iphone that has routines from 25-60 minutes long... all really great. my favorite yoga workout right now is jillian michael's "yoga meltdown" - its 35 minutes and has a level 1 and level 2 (im still on level 1 and it's kickin my BUTT!!) there are modifications and it goes quickly but still burns lots of cals. as tara mentioned, the biggest loser's "weight loss yoga" with bob is also another good one, with various levels (im on level 1 on that one too!) and this way you get both trainers from the BL in your house ;) hehe. i also recently got "body by bethenny" from bethenny frankel (real house wives of nyc...which i've never seen haha) but it's a great yoga routine, 40 minutes for both beginners and more advanced students. these are my favs as of now :) when i see myself in the mirror i sometimes still feel like a fool doing the poses, but MAN do i feel great a the end of the routine! and as all yogi's say, it's called "yoga practice" for a reason... no one is perfect at it, and everyone is continuing to improve :) yea, i totally recommend it ;)
  • silveryflutterby
    cool, thanks for the recommendations. :) I will probably start in a class so that I can have some feedback as to how I'm doing and once I feel comfortable, I may get some videos and do it at home. Looking forward and hoping to find it very relaxing. :)
  • nicolenayima
    nicolenayima Posts: 19 Member
    I just started an "absolute beginners" yoga class and I love it, despite my size making some poses harder for me! Good luck, I hope you enjoy it as well!
  • Temporalia
    Temporalia Posts: 1,151 Member
    I've been doing yoga since February on a regular basis (at least once a week), I was 230 at that time and it was ok, you might need to adapt some poses but other than that, never felt out of place.
  • blueyegrl
    blueyegrl Posts: 248 Member
    I won't go to a class for that very reason, but I do love Yoga! I have a few DVD's and the one I like the most is "Yoga: Just My Size With Megan Garcia" I found it very beginner friendly and Megan is just a doll. I really enjoyed her teaching. She's also "plus size" so it was a nice change from most DVD's I use, someone more like me! If you still don't feel comfortable doing a class, I highly recommend that DVD.
  • jabbogurl
    jabbogurl Posts: 193
    I did yoga a few times, but me personally, I like pilates. I definetly hurt the next day! I have a great video that I got from walmart for like 5 bucks...its Crunch! 10 min pilates. It's 10 min abs, 10 min butt and 10 min legs. I made my husband do it and he was in so much pain! lol!
  • vzepol
    vzepol Posts: 131 Member
    another point... yoga isn't about the proper form or flexibility it's about knowing your body and meeting your limits with compassion. You should never feel ashamed or out of place in a yoga class. Making it to your mat is all the effort you need to make, yogis respect you just for showing up.

    Great comment.
  • lynnstar_lynnstar
    lynnstar_lynnstar Posts: 49 Member
    Great thread! I have been wanting to try yoga but needed to get over my "only fattie in the class" fear. I think I'll give a claas a try.
  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    I practice Bikram yoga and there are people of all sizes in the class. It's not about perfecting pose but trying it. As they say at my studio, you get the benefits just from setting up the pose.

    In my class this evening, the girl next to me probably weighs over 200 pounds and she was much more flexible than me. So don't feel intimidated by the skinny bodies, because what you can do in the room has nothing to do with your size.