
Anyone try it? Pros/cons? opinions?


  • Cynthia_maestas
    two friends of mine lost 25 lbs in a month..downfall ...extreme paranoia and mood swings...
  • MicahandMegan
    My sis is on it to lose baby weight she has lost almost 20lb in 2 and a half weeks but she started at 5'6 182. I'm nervous she'll put some of it back on once she goes off though.
  • charli21
    charli21 Posts: 13
    drugs? no thanks!
  • AbbyRedwine
    I gained a bunch of weight in college. I was 120 going in.. and now I am 150 so i have 30 lbs i need off. Do you think a doctor would prescribe it to me? also, how much is it?
  • AbbyRedwine
    drugs? no thanks!

    I could argue that about a lot of things.. like food. food can be a addicting like a drug. so I don't see what the big deal is :)
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Check into a weight loss clinic in your area. Phentermine is now available in a smaller dosage for people with 20-50 lbs to lose (formerly only for the obese-morbidly obese category) you do need to be monitored because it can cause High BP, you also should be weaned off of it, not stopped cold turkey. I have used i three times, twice with great success AND sustained weight loss (and contnued weightloss this last time thank you negative nellies!) the one time I failed was due to my own crapping eating. It is an AIDE you still need to learn healthy habits for eating and excercise while on it otherwise you will gain it back (SEE negative nellies I dont deny that!) a 1 month script runs $20-35 depending on the pharmacy (walmart is cheapest go figure)
  • Cynthia_maestas
    weight loss clinic charged 25 bucks for a week supply. But you should make sure you dont have anything wrong like heart problems. And it is a drug so just make sure you change your eating and execise habits because you cant stay on they too long and you want to keep those cute skinny clothes your going to buy
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    Anything that effects your biochemistry is a drug. This includes food.
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    too many potiental side effects that are dangerous. I would do eating healthier and exercise, that is the most reliable way to get the weight off and KEEP it off.
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    too many potiental side effects that are dangerous. I would do eating healthier and exercise, that is the most reliable way to get the weight off and KEEP it off.

    All of the potential side effects are very common with other medications that are used frivolently and/or over prescribed in todays society. Atleast she is looking into a medical option not going to the local drug store and popping something unmonitored in production
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    If the negativeness (that always happens when you bring up phentermine) gets to overwhelming feel free to message me!
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    she wanted opipions and I gave mine. I wasn't trying to bash it persay. I actually did it, but my experience can't be used cause I"m bipolar and it caused rapid cycling and gave me all kinds of issues and I didn't lose any weight. If you are set on doing it though I would talk it over in great detail with a dr. How you choose to lose weight is your choice, but she asked for an opipion and I gave mine.
  • AbbyRedwine
    If the negativeness (that always happens when you bring up phentermine) gets to overwhelming feel free to message me!

    I just did! :) you're great thanks love!!
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    she wanted opipions and I gave mine. I wasn't trying to bash it persay. I actually did it, but my experience can't be used cause I"m bipolar and it caused rapid cycling and gave me all kinds of issues and I didn't lose any weight. If you are set on doing it though I would talk it over in great detail with a dr. How you choose to lose weight is your choice, but she asked for an opipion and I gave mine.

    Which I fully recognize, but without a medical background you (and many others) might not know the side effects are common with many other prescribed medications.... I had a list in another post but I think it got deleted after someone used foul language. There are good and bad experiences with it. And like you said yours was further effected by the fact it can make you jittery and for some moody.

    Im not only exposed to it through my personal experiences, my mom works in a weightloss clinic and my uncle is an OBGYN specializing in infertility and about 60% of his patients its due to PCOS and being over weight. SO I get ALL kinds of information on many forms of dietary aids. Which is why, as I support it, I support it as a tool to increase learning healthy habits, not as a fix-all
  • DragonSkip
    DragonSkip Posts: 59 Member
    I've used it twice. The first time I had a pretty good success but did not learn my lesson and continued my bad life style. The second time my success wasn't as great but I was on a smaller dose for a shorter period, I also had other health problems at the time which is why I took less. I did have mood swings, occasional paranoia (which I have any time I take a stimulant, even to drinking regular coffee but was slightly increased with the meds), and remember once I drink about 5 shots of espresso while taking this and thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest. So I would say if you want to try it make sure you're being monitored by a doctor, you don't rely only on the medication try to learn to live healthier, and be careful with what you do while taking this (including don't drink too much caffeine).
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    yes, any drug has potiental of major side effects, which is why she would do better to side down and discuss this with her dr. who knows her system and her body rather than ask for advice from a website that is geared towards healthy living over drugs. I understand that you may have a lot of knowledge, but you still aren't a dr and if she wants to go this route her DR is who she needs to be speaking with.
  • judijl
    judijl Posts: 13
    I have used it several times in the past for quick weight loss. Its very hard to get now (I was the same 120, then up to 150). The weight loss clinic in my city will not give me any, I used to get them in TJ, but they dont even have them anymore :o(
    After prolonged use, you wind up needing 2 or more a day. They gave me dry mouth and my arms and legs would ache at night and keep me up, but It was worth it because I would only have to use for like 30 days or so.
    I loved them, just cant find them anymore :o(
  • dan_jones
    dan_jones Posts: 54 Member
    I have used it for 2 years with a few periods of being off it. I would say it was very effective for me. There is nothing magic about it but it will help you with your desire to eat. It cuts that a significant amount. Drawbacks are you should be checked frequently with an ekg and echocardiogram to make sure no heart damage is occurring. It can affect the heart valves in some people.
    Like anything else your body develops a resistance to it after it is exposed to it for a long period of time. I found it most effective
    the first few times I took it. Overall I would recommend it but hopefully you have a good doctor helping to watch your progress.
    Hope this helps.

  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    WTF MAN, why do people on the forums always do this. Someone asked a question, answer it, or don't. Don't sit here trying to argue with people.

    If you want to try it try it... see how it goes for you. You might get worse or better results than other people, you have to experience it and see how it works for you. I do know it has similar effects to methamphetamine. It does effect the adrenal receptors. I do know with that drug you lose your appetite and your metabolic rate increases. You have to check yourself make sure you're eating what your body needs in terms of protein. To avoid muscle loss, of course some resistance exercise to prevent muscle loss. You can taper off it, and eat at the appropriate caloric intake for your new weight which wouldn't cause weight gain. This is more about habits, make sure to develop the proper eating habits so you don't gain weight when you come off of it.

    What I would do... I read your profile you say you want to be at 110. I would find out how many calories a person needs who weighs 110 and eat at that caloric limit, hopefully when you come off of it you would be used to eating that caloric limit and keep the weight off.
  • AbbyRedwine
    WTF MAN, why do people on the forums always do this. Someone asked a question, answer it, or don't. Don't sit here trying to argue with people.

    If you want to try it try it... see how it goes for you. You might get worse or better results than other people, you have to experience it and see how it works for you. I do know it has similar effects to methamphetamine. It does effect the adrenal receptors. I do know with that drug you lose your appetite and your metabolic rate increases. You have to check yourself make sure you're eating what your body needs in terms of protein. To avoid muscle loss, of course some resistance exercise to prevent muscle loss. You can taper off it, and eat at the appropriate caloric intake for your new weight which wouldn't cause weight gain. This is more about habits, make sure to develop the proper eating habits so you don't gain weight when you come off of it.

    What I would do... I read your profile you say you want to be at 110. I would find out how many calories a person needs who weighs 110 and eat at that caloric limit, hopefully when you come off of it you would be used to eating that caloric limit and keep the weight off.

    thank you!! I will do just that :)