Just a question

For trainers/knowledgeable people:

It seems like my body goes through periods of small plateaus and then drops weight really fast without me changing anything about my diet.

For example - I'll sit at 165 for 3 weeks and then suddenly within a week or two I'll drop 5 lbs. Then I'll sit at 160 for another 3 weeks or so... then drop 3 lbs in a matter of days.

Is there a biological reason for this? I'm not stressing; just curious.


  • StrawberrySprinkles
    *sending in message to read responses later as I have no clue* Funny. That happens to me occasionally too!
  • amorgan101187
    do you weight yourself at different times of the day? the best time is to weigh yourself in the morning after your first pee. Your weight can vary even a few lbs in one day at different times of the day because of water
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I'm bumping this
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    there may be biological, and emotional stressors that cause your cortisol levels to rise.....you need a variety of things to fight plateaus....if you want sound advice and a good program for females email lordsfitness@aol.com
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    do you weight yourself at different times of the day? the best time is to weigh yourself in the morning after your first pee. Your weight can vary even a few lbs in one day at different times of the day because of water

    Nope! I weigh every day after bathroom (TMI) and without clothes (TMI TMI). I only record once a week. The fluctuations don't bother me. I like to see how much sodium affects me etc.
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    I have heard an actual plateau described as more then 4 weeks with no lbs OR inches lost.

    Sometimes the body loses weight, sometimes body fat, sometimes its working on getting physically smaller.. so many here want instant results and think they stalled after days.. I think it is important to remember that results for a healthy smaller body are not just shown on a scale.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    there may be biological, and emotional stressors that cause your cortisol levels to rise.....you need a variety of things to fight plateaus....if you want sound advice and a good program for females email lordsfitness@aol.com

    Interesting - I thought about this too. I wonder if during periods of anxiety (which I get from time to time) my body holds on to water and fat a little more. Thanks for the info!
  • timlord
    timlord Posts: 158
    your welcome, btw I am a doctoral candidate studying sports performance psychology so this is right up my alley.....
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I have heard an actual plateau described as more then 4 weeks with no lbs OR inches lost.

    Sometimes the body loses weight, sometimes body fat, sometimes its working on getting physically smaller.. so many here want instant results and think they stalled after days.. I think it is important to remember that results for a healthy smaller body are not just shown on a scale.

    Yep - thanks! I'm not stressing about the periodic leveling off. It's annoying at the time but I feel great and I am starting to see the definition in my body (arms especially) so I'm OK with it. I'd rather be strong than skinny.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    your welcome, btw I am a doctoral candidate studying sports performance psychology so this is right up my alley.....

    NIce! I bet that's an interesting study!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Interesting article, thanks.
    I started graphing my weight loss early this year when I felt like I stalled for a few weeks and then dropped again.
    Since then I have been graphing weekly and looking back at nearly 6 months I can see a definite pattern of "scallops". Down for a few weeks, levelling out or increasing slightly, then dropping suddenly then down steadily again. It is not specifically tied to my monthly cycle, though I think hormones are playing some part in this.
    I don't know the reason but having seen this pattern, I am reassured that if I keep eating well and exercising then I will lose weight again soon!
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Interesting article, thanks.
    I started graphing my weight loss early this year when I felt like I stalled for a few weeks and then dropped again.
    Since then I have been graphing weekly and looking back at nearly 6 months I can see a definite pattern of "scallops". Down for a few weeks, levelling out or increasing slightly, then dropping suddenly then down steadily again. It is not specifically tied to my monthly cycle, though I think hormones are playing some part in this.
    I don't know the reason but having seen this pattern, I am reassured that if I keep eating well and exercising then I will lose weight again soon!

    Yeah, I'm definitely seeing the pattern too. It's always so drastic and makes me worry I'm losing weight too fast and then it stalls again. So weird