How frustrating!



  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I'm still trying to find my motivation again. This is the 3rd time I'm trying to lose the same stinking weight and it's so much harder this time. Can't figure out why...guess I've just gotten comfortable and lazy!

    Good luck!

    I too am having trouble....I think it is because you never lose fat cells they just shrink and they have an incredible memory for staying at a set point and have no trouble expanding all over again.
    That makes so much sense! I have gone back to my old ways of eating lately and it is so hard to get back into things! This makes sense now if only we can figure out how to resolve it ;)
  • cassiopeia2713
    Thanks for all of the responses! Some good ideas!

    Yes, I do have to be on the pill. I really hate being on it actually because I'm a wuss when it comes to taking pills and sometimes it makes me kind of nauseous.

    I was thinking about taping up some pictures in my cupboard of Victoria's Secret models. Kind of cruel, but I think it might be effective at least.