30 day shred? more info please!

ok so ive been reading a lot of posts on here and ive read a lot of people planning to start the 30 day shred. im really curious as to what this is, how it works, anyones results/ feedback would be really appreciated, what it costs, equipment needed, etc. im pretty new to the diet and exercise world. i just had my 2nd child 10 weeks ago and i got really depressed from how much weight ive gained and did the whole poor me, sitting on the couch routine until one day i just decided to get up and do something about it. i want to do anything i can to get the weight off. if it means getting my butt kicked by a workout ill do it. im currently doing the 30 challenge on wii active and its making me sore and its a little bit of a challenge but i am just not satisfied with it.. i want more. im really motivated to lose weight due to a long term interest coming home from iraq in 11 months and wanting to look how i did before i had the babies. any tips or suggestions or info on this 30 day shred or any better more productive workouts?


  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    I"m doing 30 day shred and I'm at day 7. Haven't lost much weight, but have noticed a difference in my body shape, which is more important to me. All you need is the video and some handweights.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    I cannot recommend the Shred more. Especially because it's quick, so easily fit in besides your very busy life already.

    It has 3 levels, each level consists of a 3 mins strength, 2 mins cardio, 1 mins abs, so little circuits. Each level has 3 circuits. Total time about 25 minutes, including warm-up and cool-down.
    You repeat this level 10 days in a row, then you move on to the next level, 10 days, and move up. So if you manage to keep this up it takes 30 days all in all.

    Keep it up and you'll be amazed by the results, weight loss, but even more inch loss.
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    I am in my 6 day of the 30 ds. and it is a great workout. the only equipment u need are weights.. I have 3 pounds weights. I bought my copy at target on sale for 9.00 dollars I cant tell u results yet but quite a few people have had great results. What I like about it that it is only 20 minutes and yes she kicks your butt for 20 minutes. I am stil only on level 1 and it has 3 levels.

    Hope this helps and good luck
  • Mandz1984
    Mandz1984 Posts: 84 Member
    If you want a challenge definitely try it! You can get the dvd on amazon for around 10 dollars. And all you need is hand weights and a mat for floor work. The good thing about it is it's only 25 minutes in total so you can easily fit it into your day. I never really lost any weight with it, but you will see changes in your body. It really works for toning. She also has newer videos with the same idea such as Ripped in 30.
  • califigureeight
    I'm going to look for this at Target and WalMart. For those that use it, how to you track it on MFP?
  • hstallings13
    hstallings13 Posts: 306
    it is circut training
  • EmsyLou77
    EmsyLou77 Posts: 47 Member
    OP I love the Shred, BUT I would say if you have only had your baby 10 weeks ago I would be careful of jumping straight in with this, esp if you had a c section. I would recommend a bit of gentler muscle rehab first, something like Erin O'Brian's postnatal rescue DVD. I only felt up to shredding about 6 months post baby no.2, and that was after building my strength and fitness back up from 2 months postnatal. Still everyone's body is different and only you know if you are ready.
  • califigureeight
    Thank you! I looked online and see a DVD (by Jillian Michaels) with a run time of 60 minutes, is this the correct DVD?
  • califigureeight
    Thank you! I looked online and see a DVD (by Jillian Michaels) with a run time of 60 minutes, is this the correct DVD?