Regained 50 pounds , looking for motivation

Marzouque Posts: 2 Member
edited June 2016 in Introduce Yourself
Hi ,
My story with weight is a long one , I was overweight literally my entire life, Until 4 years ago.
Sitting at 350 lbs , I started an extreme diet that ended up with me losing 150 pounds (my lowest weight was 208) .
Now , after another 2 years I am back at 255 and hating myself to be honest , and looking for motivation to re-lose my weight and sticking to it this time around.
Edit : I forgot to tell that I am 5'11"


  • blacksti
    blacksti Posts: 13 Member
    I was in a similar boat a few years back. Started at 278, got down to 200 for my wedding in 7 months. After my wedding I went back up to 220. It's been a struggle for my to get back down below 200, but today I'm 182, only 5 pounds away from the 100 mark.

    Stop hating yourself and get back on the horse. You obviously have the ability to lose the weight, just set your goal for a specific weight in say 30 days and bust ur a $$ to meet that goal. Then set another goal. Good luck and congrats on your weight loss thus far.
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    It's all about consistency. You have to be careful with those extreme diets. More often than not they are a quick fix. Focus on good clean nutrition, regular daily exercise, and support. You can do it. Just show up every day and do what you need to do! I'll send you a friend request for support!