treadmill - walk or run?

Just wondering if anyone knows which is better for burning fat. Currently I'm walking 6kph on incline level 15 which is the highest it will go to and 20 mins burns about 200 calories yet this doesn't tire me out as much as running at a faster pace on no incline but overall which is better for me or can anyone recommend any good calorie burning treadmill routines for a relative beginner. Thanks.


  • Keefypoos
    Keefypoos Posts: 231 Member
    running will burn more calories than walking
    walking will cause less injuries than running
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    you could do interval training which is short bursts of faster then slower. either walking or running... you start out with a 5-10 min warm up or either walking or slow running.. then you do 1 min of fast walking(or running) then 2 min of slow .. do 3 sets then finish with 20 or so min of slow cool down walk or run.
    after the first week you increase the intense time to 2 min fast and then 1 min slow. 3 sets.

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  • ahem
    ahem Posts: 4 Member
    I have found that combining the two in intervals works best for me. At the moment I usually start with a 5 min warm-up walk at 6kpm, then 5 min run at 8kpm, back to walking at 6kpm for 3 min, then 8 min running at 8kpm and finally a cool down walk. I tend to vary the incline depending on how I feel on the day.

    I find that this way I work up a sweat but at the same time I'm not overdoing it, so I don’t need to skip days in order to get over muscle strains and aches.

    Also treadmills usually have a number of programs that you can look through to find a good match for what you want to do, if you don’t want to have to manually change the settings each time. The added bonus is that once you find a program that works for you, you can easily increase the level of the program you use, when you feel ready for more of a workout a week or so down the line.