The Rut

Hmmm... I've been doing pretty great since before I joined MFP and even better when I joined, but for the past two weeks, I've just been down and out. No motivation to run, do my P90X or Turbo Fire, and its DRIVING ME CRAZY! I think it has to do with the entire living situation switch-a-roo, but I'm wondering if its just me going "Ok, you're done, the scale hasn't moved, you're never going to make it to your goal. Might as well stop at an OK place even though you're not satisfied with it." Is anyone else going through a rut or is it just me? :[


  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I think we all go through something like that from time to time. Just breathe. If you don't feel like working out, don't force yourself. Watch what you eat, and if that's all you can do right now, it is good enough!

    Also, rest assured that this is gonna pass. You can do it!
  • dian1227
    dian1227 Posts: 122 Member
    I've been there for the past 2 weeks, have not really worked out like I should and even though I'm trying to keep my calories under goal, I'm not making good food choices. I'm not sure what happened, I'm trying to get it back.

    Right there with ya...

  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Yep, I'm in a rut. I haven't weighed myself in awhile, but I have measured and I'm not dropping inches. Or even quarter inches. *sigh* I am keeping my calories down, yesterday I kept them a bit too down. I think over the weekend I'll go with a day or two of eating some good 4th of July food and not worry about the calorie count going over, then go back to 1200 on Tuesday. If it doesn't jump-start my losses, it might at least jump start my hope. A good, juicy, hot-off-the-grill burger gives hope, right??
  • niavalentino
    niavalentino Posts: 131 Member
    Yep, I'm in a rut. I haven't weighed myself in awhile, but I have measured and I'm not dropping inches. Or even quarter inches. *sigh* I am keeping my calories down, yesterday I kept them a bit too down. I think over the weekend I'll go with a day or two of eating some good 4th of July food and not worry about the calorie count going over, then go back to 1200 on Tuesday. If it doesn't jump-start my losses, it might at least jump start my hope. A good, juicy, hot-off-the-grill burger gives hope, right??

    Yeeeep, story of my life at the moment. I just want to eat everything in sight, but haven't, but the choices I've made haven't been great even though my calorie intake is under 1200. Fourth of July is coming, and all I want is a delicious burger off the grill or a link!
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I would say force yourself to do a light workout or even a new one. It might not sound fun the word " FORCE" but, sometimes you have to push yourself and keep moving even if you really do not want to. It can be the difference in getting out of the rut and having it last longer. Like Nike says Just Do It!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    wrote this a loooong time ago but in general it's still valid. have a look, it may help.
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    Yep, I'm in a rut. I haven't weighed myself in awhile, but I have measured and I'm not dropping inches. Or even quarter inches. *sigh* I am keeping my calories down, yesterday I kept them a bit too down. I think over the weekend I'll go with a day or two of eating some good 4th of July food and not worry about the calorie count going over, then go back to 1200 on Tuesday. If it doesn't jump-start my losses, it might at least jump start my hope. A good, juicy, hot-off-the-grill burger gives hope, right??

    Yeeeep, story of my life at the moment. I just want to eat everything in sight, but haven't, but the choices I've made haven't been great even though my calorie intake is under 1200. Fourth of July is coming, and all I want is a delicious burger off the grill or a link!
    You can have that burger! It is all about moderation not deprivation! No reason why you can't have a burger. Just count into your calories for the day.