Before & After 300 -> 278lbs *Photos*

gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
My name is Gianna.

Recently I was really down on myself. I felt I haven't accomplished enough in the time frame that I started with. So I went through my photos from August 2015 which I was teetering in and out of 300lbs. Now in June 2016 I'm currently 278lbs and working my way downward.

Mind you I didn't start working out until Mid October 2015. In February I had a bad month of traveling and living out of hotels while away on business, and no gym time. I had gained 15lbs of what I had lost. Since then I am now recovering back into the 270's. The lowest I hit before the February episode was 275lbs. I'm so close I can feel it.

I see subtle differences, but overall I see my face has slimmed down, and my arms are a little less that what they were. I still feel down on where I am currently at, but I'm starting my journey in running. I'm proud of myself for making it this far, and that I still have motivation to keep going.

Feel free to add me if you'd like. I also use fitbit, and log in everyday.


  • valerievaladez
    valerievaladez Posts: 21 Member
    I see a big difference. You're looking great!
  • sunset10059
    sunset10059 Posts: 2 Member
    yes, can definitely can see the change, better to lose weight slowly as you will keep it off long term.
  • gispi918
    gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you both. It's hard to tell when your looking at yourself. I see it more in my face than anything. But I can feel some of thw differences in how my skin and the fat is feeling on my body.
  • binglebandit
    binglebandit Posts: 531 Member
    Idk if this will help you. But I heard somewhere once (in a science class or something) that if you hold two objects that are close in weight you can't tell the difference in the weight of them unless they are more than 10% different. So if one is 10lbs the other would have to be either 9 or 11lbs for you to tell it is different. I used this idea to push through the first bit of weight loss. I started at 247lbs, so my first goal was to lose about 25lbs. Because that would be just over 10% of my weight. Sure enough I could definitely tell by that point.

    Also, I can see a difference in your pictures. Sometimes it's harder for us to notice our own loses, specially when we look in the mirror every day.
  • gispi918
    gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
    I can see that point wbandel. I do admit that i do feel like I'm carrying my weight differently these days.

    If the outer physical appearance is subtle, the auto responses aren't. I'm able to jog 5 minutes straight without feeling like my heart is going to explode or a burning feeling in my lungs. To me that is the biggest win so far.
  • VeloRat1969
    VeloRat1969 Posts: 18 Member
    gispi918 wrote: »
    I can see that point wbandel. I do admit that i do feel like I'm carrying my weight differently these days.

    If the outer physical appearance is subtle, the auto responses aren't. I'm able to jog 5 minutes straight without feeling like my heart is going to explode or a burning feeling in my lungs. To me that is the biggest win so far.

    Now THAT's awesome. Soooo many people can't do that. Congratulations, runner!
  • gispi918
    gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks VeloRat1969! I was inspired to start running by another mfp user. She dropped like 100lbs and just ran a 5k marathon today in the rain in under 39 minutes.

    The change has been sudden. I've only started the jogging and running phase a little over a week ago. My knees ache and so do other areas of my body. But it's a growing and learning experience.

    My husband used to run track in high school and is very supportive of my plans and goals. He also gives me pointers on how to keep myself going and prevent injuries. One day I hope to keep up with him in a running contest (short distance). The last time I lost and couldnt catch my breath. I wasn't even running for an entire minute.
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    gispi918 wrote: »
    I can see that point wbandel. I do admit that i do feel like I'm carrying my weight differently these days.

    If the outer physical appearance is subtle, the auto responses aren't. I'm able to jog 5 minutes straight without feeling like my heart is going to explode or a burning feeling in my lungs. To me that is the biggest win so far.

    Now THAT's awesome. Soooo many people can't do that. Congratulations, runner!

    Absolutely - I can't, and I'm lighter than you OP! Great work!

    There is a definite difference in your photos, especially in your face (you have lovely eyes and they look bigger now, too) but it can also be seen in your body. It will take time, but you're doing great and seem to be in the right frame of mind to continue on with your journey . Good luck and best wishes! :)
  • Triplestep
    Triplestep Posts: 239 Member
    I'm also loosing slowly, so I know where you're coming from, but I do see a difference in your photos. I believe that 10% idea - when I hit a 10% loss, people started noticing and commenting. Before that, nothing.

    I'm a lot older than you, but I found running too hard on my knees at my weight. I've started incline walking on a treadmill, and according to my heart rate monitor, I'm burning the same calories. If you're not ready to run, you might consider it.

    Good luck - you're doing great!
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    You are super lucky to have a supportive spouse. Nice job!
  • schwenkler22
    schwenkler22 Posts: 61 Member
    gispi918 wrote: »
    My name is Gianna.

    Recently I was really down on myself. I felt I haven't accomplished enough in the time frame that I started with. So I went through my photos from August 2015 which I was teetering in and out of 300lbs. Now in June 2016 I'm currently 278lbs and working my way downward.

    Mind you I didn't start working out until Mid October 2015. In February I had a bad month of traveling and living out of hotels while away on business, and no gym time. I had gained 15lbs of what I had lost. Since then I am now recovering back into the 270's. The lowest I hit before the February episode was 275lbs. I'm so close I can feel it.

    I see subtle differences, but overall I see my face has slimmed down, and my arms are a little less that what they were. I still feel down on where I am currently at, but I'm starting my journey in running. I'm proud of myself for making it this far, and that I still have motivation to keep going.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I also use fitbit, and log in everyday.

    Measure yourself girl, it only takes a few minutes and its worth it down the road, i love seeing inches lost as much as lbs
  • gispi918
    gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
    @Schwenkler22 I do have measurements from January. I could remeasure and see what the actual difference is. What suprised me the most from Oct to January was the measurement of my neck. It went down 30% according the the measurements taken. I couldnt believe it.
  • gispi918
    gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
    @triplestep Iwas speed walking in the begining but found myself struggling. Somehow when I decided to start jogging I didn't struggle as much. It's weird. What I for sure need to do is go on actual hikes. I'm in Northern California, and there are plenty of good trails to hike here. I still speed walk when I'm winding down from the run in intervals. It helps me stretch my leg and still keep my momentum.
  • gispi918
    gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
    @nowine4me I second that. He seen me while heavy and says it doesnt matter what size I am. It's everything as a package.

    He makes me feel loved and he also knows I'm strong. This past weekend I had a crying spell in traffic from shopping for business clothes. He said he understands it's hard and that he see's the difference. If only clothes felt more "right" in the transition.
  • gispi918
    gispi918 Posts: 26 Member
    @suesuedio Yes! I noticed that my eyes appear larger. Before the loss I was feelong down about how puffy my face was. My bone structure was dissapearing and my face was becoming a single shape.

    I was worried about running causing issues on my knees as I have had a small knee injury in the past and also me knees ache just from standing all day at work (retail). But suprisingly that isnt the case. In fact my knees and ankles hurt less from running even after a 8.5hr shift.

    The gym is something I look forward to even after work. Running makes it all that better.
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    You look great! Your face shows tremendously. And PS random I know but I love how you style your eyebrows. Lol sending FR for support :)
  • Symijai2340
    Symijai2340 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow you look fantastic. This is my first week on this website and sending you tons of positive energy.
  • SisterSueGetsFit
    SisterSueGetsFit Posts: 1,211 Member
    You're doing GREAT! Keep it up. It's a slow, non-linear process so just keep plugging along.
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