Trying Again

Hi all!
My name is Laura, I'm 23, originally from Utah and now living in Kissimmee FL, and trying to lose just 15 pounds. Problem is, I've been trying to lose these 15 pounds for the last couple of years. Both my parents got diagnosed with diabetes this year, right after my mom had a heart attack, so I've kinda gotten my wakeup call to try and get better in shape.

I want to get back into running. I tried the Couch to 5K program a while back, but got stuck in week 3 and then gave up. I'm hoping with motivation and support from people here I'll be able to actually finish out the program this time.

Thanks all :D


  • ajennie7
    ajennie7 Posts: 3
    Hey! I am also from Utah. What part are you from? I am totally with you about losing that last fifteen pounds. It's really tough. One week your absolutely motivated and say your gonna do everything right and the next its the total opposite! What i've learned though is to write down why I like working out or why i want to be thinner and thats a nice motivator
  • lemonlaiime
    lemonlaiime Posts: 6 Member
    I'm from Salt Lake/Sandy and went to school down in Cedar City.

    Thanks for the tips!
  • onmyweightohappiness
    onmyweightohappiness Posts: 151 Member
    Best of luck to you!