Good morning all!! A quote for daily reading. =0)

jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
edited September 29 in Motivation and Support
Good morning/evening all of my favorite, beautiful, healthy people! Hope everyone has had a wonderful day or is starting a new wonderful one. What is success to you..? I want to challenge everyone instead of sending me a bump today I want to ask a question. What does success mean to you? Are you already successful and in what way. Its not really that I want to know I just want you stop for a minute and think about this. Read the writings below and stop and truly think of all of the wonderful people that cross your path every day. Someone that brings a smile to your face or simply stops to say hello. Maybe its a drawing your child made for you that you smile and say you love it yet you have no idea what it is, but that doesn't matter because they drew it for YOU. So that is my challenge today you can post it on here if you like, or just stop and really think if you have what is REALLY important in your life. Have a wonderful day everyone! CHEERS!!!! =0)

What is Real Success?
by: Tim Conner

Everyone wants success, and yet they often
don't know when they have it.

For most, it is the maddening chase toward a better
way of life or more of something.
More fame, power, recognition, money, or material stuff.For some, it is the understanding of a loving partner, the love of their child, or the people that they can count on when life throws them a curve.

I am coming to believe that success is not more material wealth, but peace, happiness, contentment, and love.
Most of all love.

Real success is not to be sought after in the outer world, but discovered in your inner world. I am not condemning the stuff of life. We all want the things that life offers.

But we don't need as much as we think we do.
Sooner or later you will discover that real success is friends, strangers,
and anyone who crosses our path.
It is kindness shared, support given and received, listening,
giving, and caring.

These will endure while your car rusts, your toys break, and you tire of the temporary gratifications that bring you what you think is real.

What matters is people.
What lasts is love.
What counts are true friends, and if you treasure these
you can count yourself a success.

P,S new people other of these can be found by searching the subject line...VETS!! Lets see where you are! =0)


  • Dskwon
    Dskwon Posts: 17
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    What is a bump??
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    What is a bump??

    On a message board if the post is not bumped per se or replied to as you just did then it continues to fade away into oblivion on the bottom of the message boards. Then anyone that signs on in a couple hours cant see it. So the more replies you get the longer your post can be seen by everyone. =0)
  • Jeterfan2
    Jeterfan2 Posts: 15
    More and more people need to live by this! I AGREE 100%.. Thank you for sharing!
  • jenn9253
    jenn9253 Posts: 19
    I love this message!! So true :smile: thank you for posting!
  • djthom
    djthom Posts: 651 Member
    As the mother of 4 girls (12 to 19 y.o.) success to me would be raising them to be healthy, strong, smart, independent, capable, caring, loving, understanding and responsible. So far I do believe I have succeeded. I'm very proud of who my girls have become and how they handle themselves.
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks for sharing....really makes you think.
  • Good morning:))) ~Cheers to you!!!!!!....Its my family,my children and my Grandchildren.The person in front of you at the check out who needs extra dollar or two because they are putting back items they need and you give to them from your heart not because you have 2"""""My success in life comes from my mother~father by showning me to have compassion in life for the ones less fortunate,helping the weak and caring about the small things in life that is really the BIG things!!!!!!!!!..we all are in a moment in time and what we choose to do is by choice I choose to help and care for people who need me and I like it when they say thank you because i am smiling inside because they help me by allowing me to be kind to them!!!!!!~Rita~
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    Good morning:))) ~Cheers to you!!!!!!....Its my family,my children and my Grandchildren.The person in front of you at the check out who needs extra dollar or two because they are putting back items they need and you give to them from your heart not because you have 2"""""My success in life comes from my mother~father by showning me to have compassion in life for the ones less fortunate,helping the weak and caring about the small things in life that is really the BIG things!!!!!!!!!..we all are in a moment in time and what we choose to do is by choice I choose to help and care for people who need me and I like it when they say thank you because i am smiling inside because they help me by allowing me to be kind to them!!!!!!~Rita~

    Just wanted to say thank you so far for those that have shared their successes. Love, happiness and helping others really are a great way to feel successful. Earning a smile or know you have helped someone that could not help themselves. A smile goes a long way in the warming of a heart. =0) Share one!
  • Latoyamary
    Latoyamary Posts: 140
    WOW ;)
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