What are your weight loss goals??



  • ajc1309
    ajc1309 Posts: 255 Member
    I want to lose 14lbs to get to 126. I'm down 44lbs, did get to my goal weight of 126 last year but crept back up to 142 after I moved in with my bf.
  • grayson88
    grayson88 Posts: 4 Member
    I have 97 lbs to lose and have lost 3 for a total goal of 100lbs lighter.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I started on MFP at 214.8 lb. and set an initial goal of 170. As I was approaching 170, I realized that I'd still be fairly plump at that weight, so I revised it to 160. At 160, I decided 150 might be better (I was 138 when I got married in 1995). As I approached 150, I thought that was a pretty good weight, and realized that what was more important to me at that point was fitness and body composition: scale weight was less important than being able to meet my running and cycling goals, and looking good regardless of what the scale said.

    I've been maintaining around 150 - I lost about 2 lb. without intending to do it on a vacation in Iceland last summer (the food is definitely NOT the reason to visit Iceland!), and then gained a little back on a vacation in Hawai'i to celebrate my in-laws' 50th wedding anniversary in the place they met.

    My POV is that the scale is a very useful tool when you're starting to lose weight, because it's easy to use. As you get closer to your goal, though, the scale is less useful, because the number it gives - just your total weight, including fat, lean body mass, and water, not to mention a few pounds of food working its way through your intestines - is less useful than muscular strength and endurance on the one hand, and body fat on the other.
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    My goal weight is 145-150 so I have about 10-15 lbs to go.
  • mccokat
    mccokat Posts: 130 Member
    I originally wanted to lose 55 ish pounds. But I've lost about 12 and looking back, getting down to 160 might be a bit low for my height. I don't know, I'll play it by ear. For now I want to get rid of those next three pounds and get below 200.
  • fitnellieforlife
    fitnellieforlife Posts: 40 Member
    I want to lose 100 lbs. everyone says I will look sick if I'm 120 but I'm not listening to them. I am eating 1900 calories a day to lose .5 a week. I am doing I t the healthy way. if I like myself at 150ish ill stay there but if I feel I still need to lose more I will lose more!
  • davepete57
    davepete57 Posts: 33 Member
    I've been overweight most of my life. My goal is to lose 55 lbs and keep it off. It's going slowly but this time I am incorporating lifestyle changes and tracking them to make them habits.
  • Citycat2015
    Citycat2015 Posts: 86 Member
    My goal is to have a healthy BMI and be strong. 20+ pounds down, 50+ to go.
  • CandehMandeh
    CandehMandeh Posts: 66 Member
    My goal right now is to lose at least 7-8 more pounds, I'll be 135-ish pounds : ) I've already lost a bit over 50 pounds in 2 years.
  • Tonica0720
    Tonica0720 Posts: 73 Member
    davepete57 wrote: »
    I've been overweight most of my life. My goal is to lose 55 lbs and keep it off. It's going slowly but this time I am incorporating lifestyle changes and tracking them to make them habits.

    Hi Dave I have been in the same boat. Right now I am at my heaviest and that's what made me finally realize I needed to change. I have done the same too changed my lifestyle habits. Not just for me but my whole family. Good luck.
  • Tonica0720
    Tonica0720 Posts: 73 Member
    Right now I am weighing in at 485 pounds. My ultimate weight goal is 200 pounds. My mini weight loss goal right now is 20 pounds. After that I'm just going to keep on trying to lose 20 pounds.

    That is great. I always try to start with my short term goal first also. Because it seems so hard when you are going for high numbers and sometimes you get discouraged when its just little by little. Good luck with your goals. You can do it.
  • Tonica0720
    Tonica0720 Posts: 73 Member
    I want to lose 100 lbs. everyone says I will look sick if I'm 120 but I'm not listening to them. I am eating 1900 calories a day to lose .5 a week. I am doing I t the healthy way. if I like myself at 150ish ill stay there but if I feel I still need to lose more I will lose more!

    Hi I think that is great. I won't to lose 100 more pounds which will put me in the 100'same and I am afraid that everyone will think the same thing. But I am coming to realize that I'm doing it for me to be healthy and not for what everyone will think about it. Good luck and remember it's for you and what you will feel good about. Good luck.
  • Maria_Fatima
    Maria_Fatima Posts: 238 Member
    I have to lose about 50lbs and I have medical issues that stop me from losing weight normally. But I'm trying. I appreciate myself for all little achievements. Actually, i have a note in my phone where i add all tiny achievements, eg. resisting sweet.
    I am deliberately getting myself too used to MFP so it becomes a habit even when im busy and i remember to log in everything.
    I am trying to switch my interests. I'm making myself love makeup more so next time, whether I'm excited or upset, need reward or comfort, I don't resort to food, and go to makeup instead.
    I'm adding a lot of people. The statuses and the community spirit is AMAZING! Feel free to add me too!
    Also, I'm not too hard on myself. I try having an extra calorie deficit of 500 each day after my already set goal. But if some day i can't, i regret it enough to not repeat that, but I don't get frustrated or criticize myself too much.
  • Maria_Fatima
    Maria_Fatima Posts: 238 Member
    My goal is to lose 145 pounds. I have lost 125 pounds already.

    WOW! Congratulations!!
  • MikilouB
    MikilouB Posts: 56 Member
    Congratulations to you all! This is a difficult, but rewarding journey. My starting weight was 251 pounds on March 28, today I weighed in at 229. I'm weighing and measuring everything, exercising more than I ever have and feeling good! I have set my loss to 1lb per week and have done that each week. I find this is the best way for me...I know I can maintain this lifestyle! Good luck to us all!!!
  • flatcoatedR
    flatcoatedR Posts: 173 Member
    I've loss 57 lbs since Jan 4th. I still have 110 lbs to go to reach my final goal weight of 150 lbs. But, my biggest goal is to
    KEEP IT OFF this time. So tired of all these years of dieting and gaining. Iam over it!!!! I am finally making the lifestyle changes to make it happen.
  • Maria_Fatima
    Maria_Fatima Posts: 238 Member
    Everyone's spirit here is so motivating!