Losing 20 pounds on a small frame help

Hi there! I'm 5'3 and 150-153 lbs and this frustrates me. I lost 10 pounds in March and got down to 143 but ballooned back up to 153 after all my college finals stress. I'm very muscular and carry the weight all over my body so I don't really look overweight but I don't look slim either. My problem is that I'm kind of at a low point. I had been trying to lose the weight since August and was so happy that I finally lost ten pounds, the fact that I gained it back so quickly makes me sad. Seeing 150 on the scale also frustrates me because I know how long it will take to get back down to the 140s and then ultimately my goal of 130. I truly want to lose weight, I know I can do it, but mentally I think I'm just incredibly frustrated. Any advice on getting myself back in the weight loss game?


  • suzilla53
    suzilla53 Posts: 65 Member
    You are probably overeating. I'm 5 tall,older,pretty sedentary. I eat 1200 cals per day, weigh and track everything. I have lost 2o lbs in about 70 days.use a scale, don't trust the package labels.I pretty much eat anything, just limit portions.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Eat less, move more or both.
  • KayDestruct
    KayDestruct Posts: 12 Member
    I'm five foot one and in order for me to really lose anything, I have to do both cardio AND strength training. I also eat as clean as possible, and eat slowly while eating multiple times throughout the day. I don't let myself get hungry(usually). I've lost 8 pounds in the past 3 weeks from being consistent. And WATER! Lots, and LOTS of water! (Can't tell you how many times I have to pee during a day XD) feel free to add me :) good luck!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    What is your body fat % (according to an accurate method)? Being so muscular and well-balanced, maybe you don't even need to lose weight!
  • bumpbreakcar
    bumpbreakcar Posts: 191 Member
    I have the same issue. 5'1 went to doctors got on scale 147! So upset because few weeks before i had got down to 139! So close to my goal either my scale at home is wrong or i just gained a bunch of weight ... And I currently just got strep throat so im starving but it hurts to eat and i feel like I was hit by a bus
  • nicoles_eating
    nicoles_eating Posts: 3 Member
    I am in the same boat ladies - 5'1/5'2, I weigh about 137 pounds and would like to get down to 120/125, what I weighed in high school. It seems with our smaller frames we just have to be mindful of our portion sizes - portions are made for people bigger than us, and I think this is what makes it hard sometimes! I've been logging pretty consistently for about a week now, please feel free to follow me! We can do it!
  • MyWitchySelf
    MyWitchySelf Posts: 36 Member
    I am also in the same boat :( I am 5'3 and currently at 145. I can start to drop the weight but then there is some kind of mental block or issue that keeps me from hitting my goal of 130lbs. I do so good and just mess myself up with a weekend splurge day and then I am doing it all over again. It's very frustrating for sure. I tell myself all the time "If I only would have kept it up I would be at my goal" So this time I am hoping it will be different!! We just have to keep going and stick with what works for us. Good luck everyone...
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Ok ladies.. Just because we are shorter with smaller bones or smaller frames does not mean we cannot conquer the world.. Remember dynamite comes in small packages and think big and think out of the box and be as strong as you envision yourselves being. I am just under 5'4" and I did it. So can you..

    the goals should be looked at just like a 5'6" or 5'7" person. It is not harder or easier. It is all the same and we are only as short as we limit ourselves. We can loose weight, loose fat and build muscle just like everyone else. All you have to is follow the same things everyone else does, eat a calorie deficit, move/exercise, put on some lean mass, etc..

    Stop limiting yourselves to your size!
  • pzarnosky
    pzarnosky Posts: 256 Member
    Eat at a deficit that is manageable. 1500 was good for me, 1200 made me hangry.
    Be accurate with your logging. Buy a food scale and weigh all solids. It's tedious at first but gets easier the longer you do it.
    Remember that you can not log a snack and lie to MFP, but you can't lie to your body.
    Don't make excuses. Finals are a real bummer, i know. Why does that mean you had to eat poorly/too much? Try working on your relationship with food and viewing it as a crutch. Food is fuel. Buy the right kind of fuel.
    Personal accountability and committment. Losing weight is the easiest hard thing you can do. If you mess up and splurge, log it and move on.