Back At It!

I had hit a wall. I went 90 days of not going over my calorie goal ( okay minus the Super Bowl...) but honestly I got sick of having to plan out my meals, not going out to lunch on a whim, and then decided both my cardio and strength training was suffering.

I was going to take a month off...and that month turned into 2. I gained a few pounds but it may be natural fluctuation with water after coming off a fairly strict in-take.

So I am starting again today! My goal is .5lbs/week but honestly it doesn't even have to be that much. I want to try a slower approach so I don't hit the same mental block I did.

Just had to share!


  • cmjohnson53
    cmjohnson53 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm at the same place, didn't gain, but seemed to take the last couple of months off. Here's to our success at getting back on track!!