Officially left weight watchers to come back here...



  • healthylc_xoxo
    healthylc_xoxo Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a flunky as well! Lose 26 pounds and gained it all back! Now to lose it again with MFP!!!
  • TheHappyLoser
    TheHappyLoser Posts: 95 Member
    Aren't we all weight watchers now?
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    I currently attend wwers for the meetings and the w/in, but follow the mfp program.

    I like the leader at the meeting I go to and the group of people, but the support is minimal and the program very confusing.

    The support on mfp is incredible! And this program is fairly simple add your food and many options come up, add your exercise and many options come up! Plus this app is free, unless you choose to upgrade

    Will stick with wwers meetings and w-in for now for the accountability.
  • HoosierBecky
    HoosierBecky Posts: 60 Member
    Glad I checked in here. I'm a former WW, 3 times, and lost each time. I had considered going back but hearing you guys makes me reconsider. I don't think I could handle the change in the points system as I tend to be a carb lover.

    I do need to buckle down with MFP though. It's a daily battle.
  • mwdancer17
    mwdancer17 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2016
    Wow!! This is the discussion I needed to see today! I am on WW and have done well except the last 2 months. I like the new point system a lot! However, I've increased my workouts and have only lost 1lb in 2 months, coming off of a 20lb loss in my first 2 months on the WW program. I think I will be doing both for a while and see what happens. The problem I'm having is I think I am taking in too many calories even though I am within my points at WW. All of the zero point items like veggies and fruits have calories!! While they may not count in WW, they still count to me! Maybe this is the solution my problem! I hope so anyway, its so frustrating to work, work, work and see nothing!
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    mwdancer17 wrote: »
    Wow!! This is the discussion I needed to see today! I am on WW and have done well except the last 2 months. I like the new point system a lot! However, I've increased my workouts and have only lost 1lb in 2 months, coming off of a 20lb loss in my first 2 months on the WW program. I think I will be doing both for a while and see what happens. The problem I'm having is I think I am taking in too many calories even though I am within my points at WW. All of the zero point items like veggies and fruits have calories!! While they may not count in WW, they still count to me! Maybe this is the solution my problem! I hope so anyway, its so frustrating to work, work, work and see nothing!

    I went off WW and have lost 15 pounds since April 27.
  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    I did WW many years ago when they first started doing the Plus Points. At that time I really didn't like it. The main reason being is that I really enjoyed logging food thru the app but their database was minuscule compared to MFP so I quit WW to come back to MFP.

    I've done this thing off and on for many years but now am finally ON under direction of my doctor to lose weight.

    I've always struggled with weight since I hit puberty. My dad is morbidly obese and I think I just have those genes that make it easy to put on weight and FAST. It doesn't help that I'm 5'nothing. But I've lost weight in the past. When I was 19 I lost about 40-50 lbs and got down to 120. Ive lost and gained a dozen times since then and this time my SW was 240. Currently at 216 so I'm getting there!

    Feel free to add me :)
  • DebSozo
    DebSozo Posts: 2,578 Member
    msbyrd0015 wrote: »
    I weight watchers too am back to mfp I have better results I think all food should be counted

    I agree about that. Even foods that only have 15 or 20 calories add up if one is close to goal and wo r king on a 250 calorie deficit.
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    I was successful on Weight Watchers with Points Plus, losing about 90 pounds, but quickly became frustrated with the philosophy behind SmartPoints. In the commercials advertising SmartPoints (SP) when they first rolled the program out, the message was, "We're going to nudge you into heating healthier." This is fine if that's why you joined WW, but I joined specifically to see the number on the scale go down. During the journey on Points Plus, and losing 90 pounds, I learned how to eat healthy along the way - and my doctor was ecstatic with the results. I didn't like the idea that "Big Brother" knew better about what I should be eating and would poke me with their version of a cattle prod to get me to eat what THEY thought I should be eating. Suddenly sugar was the boogeyman. My go-to meal if I had to eat fast food was a Grilled Market Salad from Chick fil-A with their reduced fat berry balsamic dressing. But when that small packet of dressing went from 2 points to 5 points overnight, I was flabbergasted. Nothing had changed in the dressing, but Weight Watchers had decided they really wanted me to eat something else, I guess. At the same time, the points values for the baked cod I had at night went DOWN. When I could no longer trust the science behind the numbers, I lost my faith in the program.

    I left WW when it went to smart points for the exact reasons you stated!
  • HeyJude007
    HeyJude007 Posts: 69 Member
    I like this program, real food, real choices, graphed out so I can see exactly what I am consuming, and monitor how I feel. I just need to stay focused on the bigger picture. Eating the way I have in the past, is killing me. Just as alcohol and drugs are to others. The roller coaster diet I have done my whole life, and that you always end up heavier than when you started your last diet.
  • runningkel
    runningkel Posts: 53 Member
    Glad to see I'm not alone!! I had good success on the "old" WW, but I did not like the new SP. At all! I was tracking both on WW and here, and the same amount of SP would one day be 900 calories and the next be 1800. That didn't seem healthy to me. Plus, the idea of "unlimited" fruit and veggies is so friend goes through an entire watermelon every other day, but counts it as 0 SP...but half a watermelon is still a lot of calories to not count! So I'm going to try here and see how it goes!
  • Missbright14
    Missbright14 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! I'm an ex ww too. Started in January on ww and lost nearly 2.5 stone but as the smart points have got really tight with chocolate etc I ended up binging and not been able to get back on it!

    Was so happy when I started this on Monday and even managed a aero bar in my daily calories. And as I know I can one all the time then I don't feel like I need to binge (yet). Ww stopped me from going out for meals as I couldn't work out the points but now I can just put the calories in! I love it!
  • Twinmamamarion
    Twinmamamarion Posts: 33 Member
    I bailed on the WW, too.
    I've gained a bunch of weight (between anti-depressant, binge eating [resulting from the depression]) and am panicking. It seems to be continuing to pile one, though my weight hasn't fluctuated much since I dared to start watching again.

    How do I get back to basics, folks? I need to rein in the bad habits.
  • Missbright14
    Missbright14 Posts: 57 Member
    I bailed on the WW, too.
    I've gained a bunch of weight (between anti-depressant, binge eating [resulting from the depression]) and am panicking. It seems to be continuing to pile one, though my weight hasn't fluctuated much since I dared to start watching again.

    How do I get back to basics, folks? I need to rein in the bad habits.

    I set a date. And ate quite badly until that date. (Was only a week later) I felt that bloated and vile that I couldn't wait to get back on it next start eating good again. Not suggesting you do that but it works for me. Good luck!!!! Xxx
  • soccermom134
    soccermom134 Posts: 2 Member
    Sugar is evil....just sayin'. Losing weight and being healthy are not the same. I want to lose weight but more importantly get healthy. Nothing healthy about sugar.
  • da2ofus95
    da2ofus95 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been on ww for a month. It did help me quit sugar and I have lost 12.4#. In all honesty though I think that's from not drinking a 6 pack of Mt dew everyday. I am not able to get 30 points everyday and now they are wanting me to eat weeklies too. I am eating healthy except for things I have changed that are chemical based. I would rather eat whole real foods then this low fat altered stuff. Already paid for this month since it was auto deducted. Going to go to weigh ins rest of month but sticking to MFP. I don't feel as if I am doing something wrong here. New here, add me as a friend! Good Luck!
  • wwkwag
    wwkwag Posts: 60 Member
    I lost 93 pounds on WW back in 2003/2004. I loved the program then but obviously didn't learn anything because I gained that 93 pounds back plus another 18 on top of it!

    I actually rejoined WW this year June 6 and also restarted MFP. It only took me about 2 weeks to realize the newest changes to WW are ridiculous! (Not to mention their app is the worst - sooooo time consuming and slow). It's like the newest program is tailored to people with diabetes or something. And I couldn't get over how few calories my points equaled out to! So, it's definitely not for me anymore. I've stuck with MFP and am down 41 pounds since June 6th!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    The magic behind all weight loss, no matter what club/diet/scheme/fad, is a calorie deficit. The real wizardry is that it's free to be in a deficit! Glad you've realised this is the case.
  • caressagordon
    caressagordon Posts: 1 Member
    Giving MFP another try! Smart Points are not for me.