whatsup everybody

Deon918 Posts: 17 Member
hi im new to the forums and have been using the mobile app for about a month now and its the best. The reason i came to the site and app is because through my first year of college i gained a good 25 to 30 pounds. Once i saw the scale hit 170 i knew i had to do something about it.im only 5'7 and . I am doing P90x and this is my second attempt and ive lost 8 pounds so far and im going into the second phase of the program next week. i would love some tips on dieting without going strictly vegetarian and things of that nature. ive also set my diary to public...tell me what you think, thanks


  • AnneMK5
    AnneMK5 Posts: 110
    Sounds like you're on the right track. Try to stay away from processed foods. Have lots of fresh fruits and veggies.
    And enjoy :)
  • Deon918
    Deon918 Posts: 17 Member
    thx for the info
  • Hamibh
    Hamibh Posts: 14 Member
    I've managed to lose a good amount of weight in a couple of months without drastic diet changes; I basically eat much the same, just less of it. Of course I've ditched pizza, take-away curry and most other really trashy food (Burger King used to be my ultimate weakness). I'm a fan of diet soda and veggie burgers, since they are almost like the real thing but with a fraction of the fat. Pasta or potatoes can really fill a hole at meal time, some might mention the carbs but I eat plenty of these and still am shifting the weight. Subway sandwiches can be surprisingly low in calories, depending of course on your choice. Keep it 6 inch, avoid fatty sauces like mayo and you can easily keep it reasonable.

    A couple of weeks ago I even let myself go at a buffet and had far too much pork and chicken, yet I still lost plenty since.
    I could do with more fruit and veg admittedly, but my point is that it's possible to make good progress without depriving yourself of the tasty fun stuff, just as along as you keep overall consumption down, exercise and above all, enjoy it!
  • haleycreations
    haleycreations Posts: 89 Member
    Well I have also done the P90X program and have had great results, I found that I had to eat 6 times a day and drink lots of water through out the day to flush out the crap. I also ordered Shakeology from my website and drank it as a lunch for the entire 90 days and with that being said I lost more because I was not going out to eat everyday with the guys from work and saved money in the long run as well. I found that when others were eating unhealthy I kept on sticking to my guns and ate salads and drank water for every meal. I also drink two eight oz glasses of water before every meal this will make your stomach feel full and you will eat less during the meal. Feel free to friend me and I can help you with the P90X programs and what kind of things you can expect from the program. I am now doing a P90X Insanity Hybrid and so far in the last two weeks of doing it I have lost another 5 lbs.
  • Deon918
    Deon918 Posts: 17 Member
    great info and hamibh i agree with the subway. when used to go before i started my diet i would get the buffalo chicken or italian bmt footlong and now i just get the turkey on wheat with green peppers and etc and light italian and its delicous. i still find myself eating mcdonalds once or twice a week but when i have to i get the grilled chicken snack wrap which is actually only 190 calories.

    haley i am the only one in my household on a diet and doing P90x and sometimes me and my family conflict on getting take out and getting dominoes and etc. but i also stand my ground and just make something myself or do portion control . I have insanity as well and will be doing it when i finish my p90. also instead of shakeology i bought optimum 100% whey gold standard from GNC and it is great i highly recommend it.
  • haleycreations
    haleycreations Posts: 89 Member
    While the 100% whey is good it does not even come close to what the Shakeology can provide. It is a meal replacement shake, dont get me wrong I am not here to preach or sell you anything I just know that it worked for me and if you found something that works for yo then by all means use it. If you would like to have the Hybrid that I came up with for the two programs sometime let me know and I can send it to you. I am sure that you will have to finish both programs before you want to do both together but if you ever want it let me know and lets stay in contact on here and we can share our success. As for my family and what they eat I am the only one in my house that is doing these programs as well and I find myself wanting to eat what they eat but I have my eye on the prize. My wife will fix healthy things so that I can eat with them most of the time but I am like most I still have a cheat meal from time to time we are only human and we need it or we might fall off the wagon and stop the programs because we can not have what we want once in awhile.