After you cheat on your diet, how do you deal with the guilt??

After 7 weeks of eating no junk food...I broke down and ate a bag of cool ranch doritos and a smores oreo cookie :( now I feel horrible. How do I deal with the shame...


  • MiuNya
    MiuNya Posts: 37 Member
    edited June 2016
    Honestly that's not bad at all. Sometimes we need to indulge in a small thing or two after so long.

    You think you're bad eating that. I broke mine with 2 bbq days in a row where I scoffed 4 burgers, ribs, 5 packets of corn chips, and many sides.... I gained a pound....

    Anyway hope you now feel better and get back on track. .have your treat days like yours once a month just don't go overboard like me.... curse you summer
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Happily I have managed to shake off the habit of feeling guilty almost completely. I recognize that it does more harm than good. How big was this bag of Doritos? I could imagine eating a small bag and an Oreo and still being fairly close to maintenance. Regardless, I call these days "accidental refeeds". Harmless unless it upsets you enough to give up. Don't let it!
  • micca35
    micca35 Posts: 15 Member
    MiuNya wrote: »
    Honestly that's not bad at all. Sometimes we need to indulge in a small thing or two after so long.

    You think you're bad eating that. I broke mine with 2 bbq days in a row where I scoffed 4 burgers, ribs, 5 packets of corn chips, and many sides.... I gained a pound....

    Anyway hope you now feel better and get back on track. .have your treat days like yours once a month just don't go overboard like me.... curse you summer

    Agreed, curse you summer and time of month cravings....however now I want a burger and ribs, lol, but I won't have any. Thanks :)
  • faidwen
    faidwen Posts: 131 Member
    You have to indulge from time to time. And you have to learn to NOT feel guilty about it.

    If your lifestyle is adequate, you should be able to eat smaller portions of what you want, on a regular basis. Too restrictive and then you suffer bouts like this.

    Move on to the next day, keep your head held high, and ENJOY life.

    It is NOT a mistake. It is LIVING! We all do it from time to time. Just remember that tomorrow is a new day, and you can start again :)
  • micca35
    micca35 Posts: 15 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »

    Love that movie and song!! Wish letting it go was that easy, but I'm trying. Thanks :)
  • micca35
    micca35 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everybody!! I love the positivity in this community :)
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    When I make a conscience decision to eat something I "shouldn't", I accept full responsibility (and all the consequences) for my decision, and have absolutely no guilt.

    Why should I be guilty about something I willingly ate? If I didn't want to be bothered by the consequences or felt the consequences where too detrimental, I would have re-evaluated my decision.

  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    I agree with the above posters- just start over the next day!

    I will add this: I while back I named one of my meals "Wish I Hadn't!" I don't log stuff there very often- but every once in a while I do! It reminds me that sometimes a treat is worth it- and sometimes it's not.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    edited June 2016
    No guilt. The more emotion you attach to food the easier it is to get off track. You ate something that wasn't the most nutritious, oh well. Move on. Make the next decision more nutritious :)
  • Heartlight441
    Heartlight441 Posts: 278 Member
    edited June 2016
    Personally I allow myself to have the odd guilt free treat. I just excuse e it as a mental-health treat. Makes me feel sane and normal ... that I can dip my foot outside of this circle of structure and control and not turn to dust. I make sure it's occassional though - but entirely guiltless!
  • amyk0202
    amyk0202 Posts: 667 Member
    I've found it helps to log everything. It helps me put things in perspective. If you start out by eating in a deficit, then you exceed your deficit by eating foods you tend to assign guilt to, logging can help you look at it objectively.

    Did you eat enough to put you at your maintenance # ? OK--then you break even--no gain, no loss. It's all good.

    Did you eat enough to actually gain a pound? OK--a pound is really nothing. Just get back to your deficit & you'll lose it again shortly.

    It was always the vast unknown that helped contribute to my feelings of guilt & shame & would make me avoid logging. Once I started putting in the actual numbers I could see that it was really not the end of the world & was no reason to go spiraling into binge eating (which is my own personal problem).

    I don't restrict any foods. I eat everything I can fit in my calorie allowance. I know that I will not stick to a way of eating that does not include treats.
  • MyFreakingNameIsScott
    MyFreakingNameIsScott Posts: 199 Member
    My uneducated guess as to why diets "fail" is because of the all-or-nothing perception that comes with it. As others have said, there is nothing wrong with an indulgence. If you really feel guilty about it, bang it out that much harder in the next workout and create a larger deficit. Sometimes eating outside of the diet is unavoidable. My advice is avoid being hyper-focused on "the diet" and focus on staying/getting healthy, long term.
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Two things. first of all don't look at it as a diet look at it as a lifestyle change. Diets suck you're constantly miserable and you're giving stuff up that you enjoy. That's why most diets fail.

    Also I refuse to call it a cheat day and by calling it a cheat day you're implying that you're doing something wrong. For this lifestyle change to work you have to enjoy it. By giving stuff up that you truly enjoy you're going to fail for this to work the way it's meant to you have to be able to eat anything. It's just a matter of portion control and as crazy as it sounds you eat less calories than your body needs and you'll lose weight no matter what you eat.

    If you wanted to you could lose weight by just eating Snickers and vodka. I wouldn't recommend it from a nutritional point of view but it's just basically that simple.

    Just to put things in perspective at the end of March I weight approximately 250 pounds. Went on vacation for a couple days ate too much drink too much had a damn good time. I may get some haters here but one or two days I drink my calorie allotment in beers and shots. As of today I'm about 228 pounds. Remember this is a long-term Journey not a Sprint you will succeed if you just commit to it.

    I feel no guilt at all. The only thing I do is I log it. By logging it I become accountable to myself and that's the only person you need to be accountable to. Tomorrow is tomorrow and enjoy it.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    It's your diet, not your spouse. Chill, and start again fresh tomorrow.

    Also, have you thought about taking a more flexible approach to dieting? Why not allow for a cookie or two at the end of every day, so you a.) have something to look forward to at the end of the day and b.) you don't feel so deprived at the end of 7 weeks you just go nuts and lose all self-control?

    The point of a healthy lifestyle is doing something you can sustain LONG TERM. Can you really see yourself eating "no 'junk'" for the rest of your life? I think I'd hang myself. Learn to incorporate fun things into an overall healthy and balanced diet, and there will be no need for any more "shame".
  • MissusMoon
    MissusMoon Posts: 1,900 Member
    I don't cheat, but what you ate doesn't sound like a lot. Why don't you just make room in your caloric goal for that stuff occasionally?
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    edited June 2016
    Food does not have the power to make me feel shamed.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    If I gave food all the power then I might as well shrivel up and die....restrictions, limiting the things that I love really really doe not work for me.

    But I thought of something that I have not had in a long time and would love to cheat with is a bag of Cheetos or Doritos.. Something that will make my fingers orange!