Curbing evening cravings

Any tips on this?
I've tried more water, more eating through the day... many tricks. But night time salty crunchy snacks are still my undoing.


  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Save some calories for the evening.
  • MzKrystle
    MzKrystle Posts: 74 Member
    I agree with saving your calories. I've started planning what I'm going to eat each day and have it all entered the day before. For me it's wine. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,446 Member
    I have a couple decent-sized snacks in the evening ... they fit within my calorie limit. :)
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    So crunch away at night, just save some calories for it.
  • bellabonbons
    bellabonbons Posts: 705 Member
    I have always been an evening snacker. The only way I can get through it is to save calories during the day. But I never count vegetable calories that I have for evening snacks and I still lose weight.
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    If you've already eaten all your allowed calories, maybe you've eaten an evening snack but are still tempted to snack later on you could try brushing your teeth. I find after I've brushed my teeth I don't want to eat anything as everything will just taste of mint (which I hate)
    Or maybe try keeping all your snacks together in a draw or box and leave a note on it saying something to stop you or at least make you think about it before snacking.
  • jakefitzgerald93
    jakefitzgerald93 Posts: 24 Member
    Protein shake!

    I have 5-6 meals a day

    Meal 1
    30g protein 15g fat

    Meal 2
    30g protein 15g fat

    Meal 3
    30g protein 50g carbs

    Meal 4
    30g protein 30g carbs

    Meal 5
    30g protein 20g fat

    And repeat!

    Try eggs or nuts or even peanut butter with your shake!
  • kendahlj
    kendahlj Posts: 243 Member
    Sonic ice works wonders. And staying busy. Play games instead of watching tv. And go to bed early. Evenings are the hardest for sure. When I finally get the kids to bed, I just want to eat.
  • Brans34
    Brans34 Posts: 599 Member
    Check out the calories on your favorite hard candies. Werthers Origional and Jolly Ranchers are both only 23 calories each, and you can suck on them for a long time. I find that when I'm slightly starving in the evening, I can sick on one of those for 5-10 minutes and drink a bunch of water, and then I'm usually good. I not, I'll have another one (if my calories allow). Then brush my teeth and go to bed.
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    I have been planning for an evening snack in my calories. If it looks like dinner is going to be late and I might not need them than its extra calories at dinner ( for a nice glass of wine etc).
  • awholenewworld
    awholenewworld Posts: 61 Member
    I try to leave some calories for late night snacking but if I don't have many, I just eat dill pickles. Very low calorie and satisfies the craving for salty crunchy food.