Postnatal dieting mummy's?

I had my second baby 4 weeks ago today and I've started my mission to loose the flab! I am back to my pre baby weight of this child but way off the weight I was before my first! However I don't wanna get back to that weight I was when I was 19 I'd like to loose around 2st, 3st max.

Please feel free to add me and help me out along the way


  • papple227
    papple227 Posts: 34 Member
    I've been in the same boat. I lost second babies weight pretty quick, but still had so much weight left over from my first. I've been working on it for a year now, losing 31lbs, and am finally 5 lbs from my goal. Good luck! You'll do great!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    I am neither post natal or a mummy however the same basics apply to everyone. Eat in a caloric deficit or exercise to create a deficit. Good luck
  • Rebekah_89
    Rebekah_89 Posts: 61 Member
    I had my baby 2 months ago. I think I reached my highest weight with her, but then again I don't remember bc I was a teenager when I had my twin boys. But I'm at 161 lbs and I HATE IT. I'm trying to get back down to 130 lbs. Right now all you can do it eat light and healthy, exercise and see where that goes. I'm trying out Herbalife right now to see what that can do for me for the next 30 days, along with eating healthy and drinking more water.
  • gagannauman886
    gagannauman886 Posts: 2 Member
    Just had my second baby a month ago and I'm already back to pre baby weight for this baby. Need to lose a good 30lbs. I've never really worked out before but I'm so unhappy with how I've been treating my body, it's time to change. Having a hard time staying committed especially clean eating. Hopefully I will see results soon.
  • chellekoren
    chellekoren Posts: 273 Member
    Losing baby weight for the fourth time! Tired of doing this. Lol. Sure wish it would melt off me. All that carrying of baby and birthing it, we deserve not to have to struggle with weight, imo. Meanwhile, my husband has been the same weight since we married forever ago. If I didn't have to lose baby weight gain, I'd be the same weight too. Ugh.