I STILL need YOUR help to get my little guy to # 1

HI MFP fam, just as we all support each other help me out by taking 1 minute of your day by submitting a vote for my little boy!

He is currently in a contest for Parents Magazine, and is ranked # 34 of 86,200 entries. Grand prize takes home up to 25,000 scholarship funds, a trip to NY, and more! PLEASE PLEASE copy and paste the link below and submit a vote for my little boy:)
It's quick and simple! If you are a facebook user, after your vote is submitted please share to your newsfeed by clicking "share"

I truly appreciate the help. Vote daily now thru July 3rd:) THANK YOU!!


P.S. I had some people laugh at my post yesterday, if you have nothing nice to say please don't respond. This means a lot to me. Thank you.


  • syiyi
    syiyi Posts: 341 Member
    voted! :)
  • KarlaColvin
    Thank you very much.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    done! gosh, he's a cutie!
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I too voted! I understand how important education is and I think it is fantastic that you are thinking abotu that ahead of time and are preparing...

    there are lots of parents who don't care about whether or not thier children have the best chance of succeeding. (not singling out any one or wanting to cause an arguement) and that is sad! props for seeing an opportunity and taking it!
  • MrsRobertson1005
    MrsRobertson1005 Posts: 552 Member
    he is totally adorable! voted :)
  • NinaP2013
    NinaP2013 Posts: 30
    voted! =)
  • Katherine1687
    Katherine1687 Posts: 106 Member

    Your little boy is a cutie!!
  • KarlaColvin
    Thank you very much!! Yes, I am taking any opportunity for him. I don't get the money to shop, it is for scholarship funds and education isn't getting any cheaper, I know because I, MYSELF, pay my schooling out of pocket!
  • alisha427
    alisha427 Posts: 10 Member
    Voted. What a little cutie pie!
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Voted! is it one of those things youc an vote on every day? BTW, he's adorable!