
LithaSonner Posts: 28 Member
edited June 2016 in Introduce Yourself
My name is Litha. I am currently 292 pounds (as of my last Saturday weigh-in). I have PCOS. I refuse to let PCOS control me... so I'm doing everything I can to lose weight.

I have stopped drinking sodas and starting drinking water.

Due to an injury when I was 15 years old (I was hit by a car walking across the street)... I have lower back pain. The excess weight makes it that much worse. This makes certain exercises extremely difficult and very painful.

I was skinny for most of my life (size 3)... it wasn't until I was about 27 that I really started gaining weight rapidly (100 pounds in one year)... which is when they did a blood test and diagnosed me with PCOS based on the results. Although PCOS will slow down my weight loss, I am hopeful that I may get ahead of it.

I welcome anyone who thinks they can challenge me, support me, encourage me, etc. to request to be my friend. I look forward to meeting you all.
