Considering being vegetarian

Although I have struggled with my weight my entire life, I love healthy food, the gym now since I started going and have always played sports, mainly soccer and basketball. I think going with a vegetarian diet is doable at home unless a family/friends gathering where no options are available in Gye or Miami


  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Consider starting slowly.
    Stop eating red meat for a month and see how you do.
    Still saying yes to lean chicken and salmon.
  • 85Cardinals
    85Cardinals Posts: 733 Member
    edited June 2016
    My parents and brother are vegans now. I know it's not for me, but they like it. I encourage and exhort you, original poster. Easing into it definitely sounds like a good plan.
  • pomegranatecloud
    pomegranatecloud Posts: 812 Member
    I've been vegetarian for over 5 years and found the switch to be very easy.

    Are you in Miami? If so, you should go to Full Bloom. It's vegan, and the food and service are excellent.
  • dannymayorga78
    dannymayorga78 Posts: 14 Member
    I live in Miami. Thanks for the tip
  • spring913
    spring913 Posts: 158 Member
    I was vegetarian for a couple years. I loved it. It just wasn't sustainable for me to cook a meal for myself and a separate one for my hubby, I was always taking my own meals to family gatherings and was called rude for it, but would starve if I ate what was served minus meat. It ended up being too difficult for me.

    I say go for it. Embrace it, you'll love it.

    I do suggest that you do a lot of reading and research. It's important to make sure you're getting your protein. Also, start on a B12 supplement, you won't get enough through a vegetarian diet.
  • kathryn2130
    kathryn2130 Posts: 13 Member
    I tried it for a couple months a few years ago. I didn't loose weight. I gained weight and it made me very sick. I started eating meat again and things got better.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited June 2016
    Consider starting slowly.
    Stop eating red meat for a month and see how you do.
    Still saying yes to lean chicken and salmon.

    And/or start adding more meatless meals to your week and see how you like it for a month.
    My family did meatless dinners for May. We ate meat (chicken and tuna mainly) at other meals. There were a lot of meatless foods we already ate regularly and several recipes that could be made vegetarian just by leaving out meat or subbing beans so it wasn't too radical.
    You lose weight if you have a calorie deficit. You can do that eating meat or not eating meat.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    Do it if you want, but understand it's not the ticket to an automatically lower calorie, healthier diet. I've been vegetarian for more than half my life but still gained a lot of weight at one point.
  • NinjaChinchillaNZ
    NinjaChinchillaNZ Posts: 56 Member
    As a vegetarian of 10 years I can tell you now it's not guaranteed to make you lose weight - it all comes down to calories in vs. calories out, though there are other health benefits to reducing meat intake, especially processed meats like sausages and ham etc. There are just as many unhealthy vegetarian options, and high calorie healthy options, so don't go into it thinking just cutting meat out will make you lose weight. Any weight loss will be due to reducing caloric intake, not simply because of not eating meat. You also have to work harder to ensure you're getting enough protein and iron on a vegetarian diet, some people struggle with it as they continue to eat the same foods minus the meat component and don't think to widen the variety of foods they eat to make up for it. I actually put on weight after becoming a vegetarian, but that's because I have a sweet tooth and cake, chocolates, potato chips, ice cream etc. are all vegetarian!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Stop eating meat for the animals' sake, not for your sake. There are fat vegetarians too.
  • fr33sia12
    fr33sia12 Posts: 1,258 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm trying to become vegetarian too. I never really ate much red meat anyway and have now cut out chicken, which I used to eat a lot of. I'm eating more vegetarian options (I love falafel) and I'm cooking a lot more from scratch. I still eat fish, but maybe I'll cut that out altogether soon too.
    I also don't eat much dairy either (just a small amount of cheese) but don't think I could be vegan, but I don't miss meat at all.
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    It's easy and sustainable. Welcome to the vegetarian life! After the first year (which can be the hardest), you'll be more comfortable sticking to your vegetarian diet even if you go somewhere with no veggie options. Give it time.
  • melonaulait
    melonaulait Posts: 769 Member
    fr33sia12 wrote: »
    I also don't eat much dairy either (just a small amount of cheese) but don't think I could be vegan, but I don't miss meat at all.

    I also thought I could never be vegan, but here I am... Turns out it's even more hassle-free than my previous 8+ years as a pescetarian.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    It still comes down to calories in / calories out but I say go for it! Make the change slowly but be consistent! Going vegetarian followed closely by vegan was one of the best things I ever did for my health and wellbeing!
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    there are (many) fat vegetarians and many fit meat-eaters. to me, one has nothing to do with the other. if you want to do it for other reasons, go for it, but don't think that it is a magic factor in weight loss!
  • Rit1603
    Rit1603 Posts: 122 Member
    Being vegetarian as all of the people said its not guarantee of loosing weight if you still buy unealthy vegetarian food like most prepared packaged foods are very high in calories and salt and I avoid all of those. I did become veg for ethical reasons because I had the guts to watch all those undercover videos of factory farming and how the animals were treated and from there I simply could not accept to put in my mouth such meat. Its horrible to watch you just simply want to stop the video and forget about it and tell yourself that these are just isolated cases but unfortunately they are not. The last investigation in one of the biggest factories in my country of birth( europe) where gestation crates pigs were covered with infected wounds and rats all over. Anyway once I stopped I really never got the urge to eat it back and anytime i am about to grab a piece I simply cant because those images come to my mind. This is just my personal experience though. Good luck!
  • dannymayorga78
    dannymayorga78 Posts: 14 Member
    Just to clarify, the transition is not based on losing weight but feel better about the quality of calories intake. I see I dont have enough iron and calcium in my daily diet, but prefer to avoid dairy products. Any suggestions?
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    There are just two words that keep me from being a vegetarian...ribs & bacon
  • Ginger_Poomkin
    Ginger_Poomkin Posts: 42 Member
    I went vegetarian in October 2015, then made the switch to vegan in March. I gotta tell you, I've never felt better. I have lost 16lbs since and my health is so much better (no colds at all in the winter, when I used to catch 3-4 easily per winter, and also no seasonal allergies when I used to almost pass out from sneezing and congestion). Feel free to add me and I'll be glad to give you some pointers.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    No harm in trying the Vegetarian lifestyle to see if you like it! I'm a pescetarian - I don't eat meat, but I do eat eggs and milk, and I also eat fish. Been eating like this for 22 years. I don't do it for any political reasons - I just don't like the taste of meat - and I feel you can get your protein from other sources - beans, eggs, etc. Try reducing meat slowly to 3 times a week, twice a week - then cut it out completely. Make sure you're eating your protein - stock up on your beans - check out Morningstar - they make soy-based foods like gardenburgers and faux chicken patties (addicted to these).