Need some motivational friends

tifmason Posts: 24 Member
In 2012, I joined myfitnesspal and lost over 100lbs in 6 months. I did so by following my calorie intake. I'm not a huge bread or noodle person so it was mostly low carb. I ran 3 to 5 times a week (mostly uphill). I did Zumba every single day. I also had my own workout plan that include crunches, squats, etc. And when the sun was shining, I was swimming; anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. I had to have surgery in December of 2012 and was put on steroids. The steroids made me start gaining weigh right off. Then after surgery I had to cut back on exercising, the weigh started piling back on no matter how healthy I was eating. I finally just gave up (I know..that's a stupid reason because I had came so far). I gained 68lbs back of the 100 that I had lost. About 10 months ago I decided I wanted to lose weight weigh again but I want to do it slower this time. At first, I started losing weigh by making tiny changes. For example, I would eat another veggie instead of mac and cheese or I would order a water instead of a soda. Now I have stopped drinking soda all together. When I came back to myfitnesspal, most of my friends had left me and I don't blame them. I need some people who will support me (not shame me)! I've already lost quite a bit, but I haven't log it because I was afraid my friends would think I was lying or that I was going overboard. I would appreciate any and all of the new friends I can get! Oh and I thought you might want to get an idea of who I am..this is a little glimpse of my personality. w8xlijsslpu7.jpeg


  • EazyDoesIt79
    EazyDoesIt79 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Welcome back. I also joined in 2012. was here for a while and did well. Then I gave up. Just getting back here and welcome all the support I can get and give as well.
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    You can add me. I never judge. Life is too short and we all have to live our own lives in the way we see fit. We all fall down, but as long as you get back up that is all that matters.
  • cupboard_stalking
    cupboard_stalking Posts: 19 Member
    Add me too, i have a similar history and will never shame. Love your pics
  • tifmason
    tifmason Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the adds!
  • degenerationwhy
    degenerationwhy Posts: 31 Member
    You look beautiful and will get back to your fitness goals!
  • Ani2bfit
    Ani2bfit Posts: 95 Member
    I first joined in 2011 and now I'm back. Slow but I'm seeing some progress too. Feel free to add me too. Good luck with your weight loss goals!
  • ptapia370
    ptapia370 Posts: 2 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm new here and not sure how this "add" thing works! Add me and will see how it works.
  • hasbell2
    hasbell2 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new to this app.......but want to get all the support that I can.......the more friends the better. :)
  • DVall30
    DVall30 Posts: 28 Member
    Welcome back and sorry about shamers. Life happens and we all have to adjust to get the best results. Slow and steady is the key along with small adjustments u can maintain consistently. Good luck and add me if u like
  • michaeltermini
    michaeltermini Posts: 17 Member
    Best wishes.
  • lieselottepeeters
    lieselottepeeters Posts: 2 Member
    I joined last summer, but I wasn't in the right place at the time so I rapidly gave up.
    Now I am sort of 'back' I guess. I admire your spirit. You can add me if you want. We can support each other along the way. Good luck!
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    edited June 2016
    Our stories are alike. Only difference is the reason why we re-gained weight.
    We can do it again ! :)
  • janaphelan
    janaphelan Posts: 3 Member
    You can add me ☺️
  • tifmason
    tifmason Posts: 24 Member
    You look beautiful and will get back to your fitness goals!

    Thanks, that's sweet.
  • heatherisabeldrew
    heatherisabeldrew Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm newer to MFP and have been struggling with getting back in shape. I have the lovely battle of the steroids as well- a lumbar fusion that failed and another to replace broken screws. You can do this! I've been trying to make consistent changes that don't set off my back and also learning to love myself
  • xeno8604
    xeno8604 Posts: 193 Member
    Welcome back. Starting again is a good start plus you know what ya have to do. You will get to your goals. Add me if ya wish. We can motivate each other
  • tifmason
    tifmason Posts: 24 Member
    A lot of my friends have went inactive. Still needing some people to push me and make sure I stay on top of things!
  • sdmrtn86
    sdmrtn86 Posts: 34 Member
    First off, I love your attitude and it looks like you have a care free outlook, and I love that! I have done this before and been around so many people that taken it way too seriously. I am a fun loving guy! I am on my journey to lose 200+, and am on day 4, so would really like to connect with everyone here, with all of these good vibes!
  • PL_SM
    PL_SM Posts: 181 Member
    Good attitude and good luck. Feel free to add me of you like.
  • frannabanana22
    frannabanana22 Posts: 5 Member
    Very cute pictures! I'm looking for support too! I've lost and gained so many times. I really want to stick to it, but I've honestly never had consistent support and most of my friends have always been thin and really don't understand. Looks like you've got tons of offers but if you're interested in one more friend, add me! :)